台灣南北狹長、中央山脈橫貫其中,地形十分複雜,影響台灣的天氣系統如颱風、西南氣流等,與地形交互作用下,在山區或坡地常常有強降水事件發生,導致土石流或暴洪等災害。本年的計畫則擬於此類天氣現象,以移動式偏極化/都卜勒雷達 TEAM-R在花東縱谷地區找尋適當的站址進行觀測,以非常緩慢的速度做非常細密的垂直剖面掃描,獲得高解析度的雷達資料。此外在晴空、小雨、大雨等不同天氣狀況下進行觀測,測試GMAP方法與Doppler velocity spectrum notch方法去除地形後回波場與都卜勒風場的表現,並比較這兩種方法觀測的差異。接著利用偏極化雷達相關係數及差異相位差波譜寬,經過資料處理過濾地形與GMAP及Doppler velocity spectrum notch這兩種方法比較結果,並選擇適當地形坡度進行測試並與雨量計比較。本計畫目的為改善地形上降水觀測準確性。 The interaction between the strong weather systems and the complicate topography of Taiwan island often induces torrential rain events and causes hazardous casualty and property loss. In the southeastern area of the island, due to the blockage by the terrain, there is hardly covered by the Doppler radar network of CWB. The difficulty to set up rain gauge stations in deep and high mountain area, enlarge the need of rain fall observation in high spatial and temporal resolution. How to remove the ground clutter in the mountainous area also is another important issue for good quality radar observation. This 2011 project will carry out the observation strategy to test the difference between three ground clutter removal methods: “Spectrum notch”, “Gaussian Model Adaptive Processing (GMAP)” and “Polarimetric variables fuzzy logic”. To evaluate the accuracy of the retained meteorological signal from three different methods through the rainfall verification with the raingauge stations on the slope. This project will deploy the mobile TEAM radar to Hwatong valley to carry out the observation goals, the evaluation of the radar observation at different sites will also be conducted. All the results of this investigation will be sent to CWB for the long term reference. 研究期間:10003 ~ 10012