健康資料加值應用平台旨在整合衛生署各單位之資料庫,對外提供去個人化之整合性統計數據或指標。健康資料加值應用平台內的資料量相當的龐大,以健保處方及治療醫令明細檔一年的平均有17.6億筆,全民健保處方及治療明細檔有1.4億筆。健保資料庫裡含台灣地區各式各樣疾病之就診資料,此計畫主要針對特定疾病,利用資料採礦方式,發掘相關資料庫中潛在且有用的資訊,並提出增進特定疾病資料品質之統計方法,進而建置相關疾病子資料庫,再經由相關專家或學會之評估,提升資料庫之可用性。 There are many databases in NHIP. There is a huge amount of data in these databases. The databases contain a variety of diseases of patients in Taiwan. In this project, we first choose certain diseases. Then, we use data mining techniques to mine rules for the diseases in the databases. We then use statistics to give the evidence of the rules mined. The databases are then designed and implemented to store the data of diseases and rules. Finally, we invite the experts in these diseases to discuss whether the rules mined from the diseases are reasonable and useful. We should revise our approaches if the rulesmined from the diseases do not make sense. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012