在全球化的趨勢下,供應鏈與供應鏈的競爭取代了個別公司的競爭,越來越多的實務與學界的努力焦點,逐漸轉移到探討跨組織聯盟的優勢。有別於產業結構觀點著重產業結構所形成的談判優勢,及資源基礎論主張的獨有資源所產生的能力優勢,關係觀點認為與聯盟夥伴的特殊聯結,會產生資源、能力、及知識整合的綜效,這個特殊的聯結具「關係租」的潛力,會發展出個別公司無法獨立創造出的競爭優勢。本研究將利用此觀點探討供應鏈聯盟中,供需間權力結構所產生的依賴強弱,如何影響跨組織學習的行為;另外,從組織知識具脈絡相依的特性,解釋透過跨組織學習的機制如何能強化供應商能力,並同時避免知識外溢至競爭者;最後,交易成本及協調成本來分析跨組織學習對供應鏈績效的影響。供應商關係管理逐漸成為供應鏈管理的重點,本研究呼應這個實務上的趨勢,期望藉由探討供應鏈組織間跨組織學習機制與因果關係,更能正確且完整的描述跨組織間合作的動態關係,俾以作為後續從事供應鏈管理的學術研究者和實務界之參考。 The relational view has been gaining in popularity as the competition between individual firm is giving way to the competition between supply chain in global market environment. Unlike industry structure view and resource-based view, the relational view mainly focuses on interorganizational competitive advantage stemming from idiosyncratic interfirm linkages between alliance partners. By synergistically integrating their assets, capabilities/resources and knowledge in a co-specialized fashion, alliance partners can then adapt each other to realize relational rents, which cannot be otherwise created by either firm in isolation. This study attempts to explore how buyer-supplier interdependence is associated with interorganizational learning in the context of supply chain alliance. In addition, given the context-dependent attribute of organizational knowledge, how can interorganizational learning between a dyad work to mitigate the risk of knowledge spillover. Finally, measured by transaction and negotiation costs, the impacts of interorganizational learning on supply chain performance will be analyzed. Supplier relationship management (SRM) has been an emergent trend in SCM in real business practices. This study is catering to this trend and attempts to build a model capturing the dynamic of supply chain collaboration and its consequences on supply chain performance. The results from this study expect to shed light on future SCM research and offer practical guidelines for practitioners. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107