用過核燃料的最終處置方式,必須足以防止廢料污染物釋放至生物圈,而對環境與生物造成危害。國際間對此一課題進行許多評估與研究,經由安全性、技術與經濟等多方考量,對高放射性核廢料而言,深地層處置(deep geologic disposal)是最安全可行的處理措施,低放射性核廢料則放置至淺地層處置場。 本研究參考文獻 Dong Chen , 2006,考慮混凝土結構承受多種劣化機制影響下之耐久性評估,以有限元素軟體ABAQUS 進行依序耦合熱—水化—碳化之分析。 本研究主要針對混凝土在熱傳、水化、碳化作用下的溫度、相對濕度、二氧化碳自由濃度的時空分布作探討,以多因素法對模型進行依序耦合熱—水化—碳化分析,並進行孔隙對混凝土劣化之影響分析, 其結果顯示水化作用和碳化作用彼此之間互相影響甚巨。The way we deal with nuclear waste must be careful. We have to make sure that nuclear waste do not release to the biosphere. There are many researches for this topic. In the case of high-level radioact ive nuclear waste, deep geologic disposal is the most secure measures to deal with. And the low-level radioactive nuclear waste is placed to the shallow land disposal. This research is reference Dong Chen, 2006. We consider that concrete structures are affected by various deteriorat ions,and use ABAQUS finite element software to do the analysis of coupled thermal–hydration–carbonation. This study focuses on the spatial and temporal distributions of temperature, relat ive humidity and carbon dioxide concentrat ion in heat transfer, hydration and carbonation. We also analyze the deteriorat ions of concrete porosity, and know that hydration and carbonation influence each other greatly.