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    题名: 臺泰跨國婚姻文化適應現象:以南桃園客家庄泰籍妻子為例;Transnational Marriage of Taiwan and Thai Cultural adaptation phenomenon:A Case study of Thai wives in Taiwan Hakka community at south of Taoyuan
    作者: 覃培清;Umpa pacapongpan
    贡献者: 客家社會文化研究所
    关键词: 泰籍妻子;生活調適;跨國婚姻;婚姻坡度;Thai w;Transnational marriages;Marriage gradient
    日期: 2012-02-02
    上传时间: 2012-06-15 19:54:59 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本論文以南桃園客家庄內的泰籍妻子為研究對象,採用深度訪談與參與觀察的方式來了解泰籍妻子婚後在臺灣的文化適應狀況,所得結果如下: 一、泰籍妻子的家庭背景非常重要,因為跨國婚姻的泰籍女性的社會階層背景,往往影響到他們來到台灣的各種生活適應問題,同時也可以呈現出臺泰兩種文化之間的差異。筆者將報導人分為兩大類:華裔與非華裔。華裔報導人的家庭經濟優良,生活品質很好,屬於中產階級,在都市的華裔報導人多從事貿易或為企業家,鄉下華裔報導人擁有大量的土地,因此經濟地位比當地非華裔的農業家庭高。有些非華裔報導人的娘家父母親為公家機關的雇員,她們的教育程度比農業家庭高,她們經濟地位也比來自農業家庭的報導人高。來自農業家庭的報導者,為了提升自己與家庭的經濟地位,大多數在高中畢業以後就遷移到大都市工作。這些原生家庭背景與婚前的教育程度、工作經驗等,均形成泰籍女性選擇締結跨國婚姻的條件基礎。 二、不同於其他研究臺灣與東南亞的跨國婚姻具有商品化的現象,本研究的臺泰跨國婚姻的締結方式都是自由選擇的婚姻,雙方的婚姻建立在自由戀愛與有感情的基礎上,而非藉由仲介公司的介紹而結婚。這一點為本研究報導人的特色,特別是鮮少研究探討因自由戀愛而締結的臺灣與東南亞之跨國婚姻。在婚姻條件建立在全球化之人口流動的情況下,無論是女方遷移、男方遷移、或雙方都遷移的情況下,這些均是促成本研究報導人有機會認識結婚對象的主要因素,當他們互相認識之後,在交往的期間也會開始考量對方是否為自己的理想婚姻對象。本研究的泰籍妻子大部分考慮嫁給台灣人的主要原因是受到泰國一般對台灣具有正面的刻板印象,她們有些來自泰國一夫多妻的家庭,因此大多希望自己未來的家是一夫一妻的理想家庭。 三、若以全球化的角度來探討,婚姻市場內女性選擇比自己社會地位階級高的男性,稱為婚姻坡度理論中的上嫁,很多台灣男性無法娶到台灣女性,因此透過媒介公司締結娶得來自鄉下落後地區的東南亞女性為妻子,因此一般台灣人對東南亞女性跨國婚姻的看待是有經濟提升的觀念。但是本研究的發現未有任何報導人認為自己有經濟提升,因為夫妻之間的經濟背景或職業性質並沒有很大的差別,例如:在工廠工作的非華裔報導人,丈夫也同樣是工廠人員。反而有些泰籍華裔報導人的教育程度和娘家背景比丈夫優良。 四、有些台灣人對於泰籍妻子保持有負面的印象,來自於媒體建構的負面廣播資訊包含:商品化、娘家貧窮、教育程度低、弱勢群體等錯誤的刻板印象。另外,南桃園為工業區,泰籍勞工人數多,少數泰籍勞工假日到酒店喝酒,酒後鬧事的行為,造成台灣當地人持有不安全及不信任的觀感,進而認為所有泰國人都是髒亂且不文明的,泰籍妻子卻因此被誤解而無辜背負著負面的刻板印象,並影響她們在台灣的生活調適。 五、本研究泰籍妻子婚後在臺灣的生活調適狀況,華裔與非華裔的文化適應有很大的差別:華裔報導人由於娘家還保留一些華人文化,因此剛開始遷移到臺灣的生活調適狀況很好,可以在日常溝通使用流利的華語,也較容易找到薪資優良的工作,對夫家的宗教與祭拜方式,也不需要重新學習。但是華裔報導人對臺灣的族群歧視很敏感。因為她們認為自己的祖先和臺灣人同樣是華人,在泰國被認定為華裔,她們期望被接納為臺灣華人的一份子,因此,當她們被一般臺灣人排斥在外,並稱呼她們為「泰籍新娘」的時候,她們深深感受到在臺華人與東南亞華人的差別,也影響到她們對臺灣的認同與文化適應。非華裔報導人在語言適應方面是個很大的問題,雖然有些報導人先以勞工身分居留臺灣,但在工作期間是透過翻譯人員跟主管溝通,而婚後進入夫家,除了要懂中文之外,也要學會使用閩南或客家話溝通。在宗教信仰方面,由於非華裔報導人與華人的祭拜方式不同,她們也需要重新適應夫家的信仰及調適自己的祭拜方式。不過族群歧視方面比較不會影響非華裔泰籍妻子的生活調適,因為她們認為自己的祖先跟臺灣人不同,她們在臺灣交到的朋友也都是同鄉或其他東南亞配偶,因此非華裔報導人在族群歧視方面比較不在乎。 六、臺灣社會存在族群多元化現象,筆者研究的南桃園為客家區域,本研究的泰籍妻子嫁入客家家庭的比例也最高。嫁入客家家庭的報導人,在夫家受到傳統男尊女卑之性別角色的影響,她們除了要調整自己的生活習慣以配合夫家的需求,同時也要調整自己在夫家所扮演的女性角色(妻子、媳婦、與母親等)。在來自農業家庭的非華裔報導者的例子裡,有些可以接受客家婦女的角色期望與角色表現,因此客家文化可以幫助她們適應台灣社會。相較於生活品質較高的華裔報導者,部分例子無法適應客家婦女角色,而阻礙了她們對婚姻生活的調適。This thesis investigates transnational marriages in a case of Thai wives in Taiwan Hakka community in the south of Taoyuan, research with depth interviews and participant observation for understanding the status of cultural adaptation of Thai wives after married in Taiwan, the results are as follows: 1. Thai wives’ family backgrounds are important to this research because they indicate Thai women’s social class background which affects their living in Taiwan so that it leads to many variety problems. Thus, this also shows the cultural differences between the Taiwan and Thailand. This report divides Thai wives into two categories; Chinese-Thais and pure-Thais. Chinese-Thais’ families are reported as a middle social class in Thailand which have a good quality of life. Most of the Chinese-Thais engage in trade business as entrepreneurs in the city, and in the rural region they become landlords, so their economic statuses are often found to be better than the pure-Thais which most of them are agriculturists. But some of pure-Thais families also found being government employees in which their education and economic status are higher than the agricultural families. As a report from participants with agricultural family background, they increase their economic status by moving to the city and working after they graduated from high school. Their original family background, education and work experience affect them as basis to the reason of why they choose to have transnational marriages. 2. Unlike other studies as always research about transnational marriages in Taiwan with Southeast Asia by marriage bureau, this research focus on freely transnational marriage which is based on free love and free feeling without marriage bureau involved or get a blind marriage. How a couple meet each other is the result from the population movement which globalization is its cause, whether they meet by the woman migration, man migration or both of them, these are the opportunity to understand the main factors how they considered to get a transnational marriage. This study shows the most of Thai women willingly to marry to Taiwanese men because they think of them as they having good appearance and behavior, which cause some of Thai women from polygamous family that would like to have their married life being the monogamy think this can be solved by getting a marriage with Taiwanese. 3. In the perspective of globalization and the marriage marketing, women will choose only to marry to high social-class men known as “marrying up”. This cause many of Taiwanese men become unable to afford to marry to Taiwanese women, so they try out with marriage bureau to find them some medium social-class women in rural part of Southeast Asia becoming their wife. This also means that they think of the Southeast Asia women always try to get a border-cross marriage to have them married up as in the economic concept of marriage marketing. However, this study report none of participants get married up as Taiwanese think of because most of them have no marriage gradient, in example of a couple with pure-Thai women are working in the same factory as their husband. Beside some of Chinese-Thai women are reported to have their educational and family background better than her husband. 4. Some of Taiwan people have the wrong image of Thai wives, because they have their negative information from some of the media broadcast, this information including of; poor family, poor education, not reliable and having bad appearance. By this study researched in an industrial zone in the southern Taoyuan which there is a lot of Thai workers. They are found by Taiwanese that they always go to a pub for drink on holidays, get drunk that also make some trouble to the others, resulting in uncomfortable and unsafe feeling to Taiwan people and cause them to have their negative attitudes on all of Thai people. They think of all Thai people as savages and not civilized, so Thai wives who are innocents also get some of misunderstanding. With these negative always cause Thai wives harder to adapt their living in Taiwan. 5. This study shows how married Thai-women-To-Taiwanese between pure-Thais and Chinese-Thais differently adapted their cultural living style in Taiwan. Chinese-Thai women grew up with their mandarin Chinese taught, so they can communicate to Taiwanese which give them more advantage to adaptation in their living and finding jobs, also they already known some of Chinese cultural ceremonies before in addition to their advantage. However, they are very sensitive to ethnic discrimination especially when calling them “Thai bride” because they think that their ancestors are Chinese as same as Taiwanese’s ancestors which is the only problem for their living adaptation. Pure-Thai women are reported to have problem in communication, even some of them already worked in Taiwan for a several years because they always have someone to interpret for them so their language skill does not increase properly as they should be for their living in Taiwan, thus, this become more and more problem after they married to Taiwanese, they need to understand Mandarin-Chinese, also Min-nan and Hakka in addition. Furthermore, with the differences of pure-Thai and Taiwanese cultural religion faiths and ceremonies, their adaption to this differences also come in terms of religion for living with Taiwanese husband. By the way, they are less affected by ethnic discrimination because they understand their differences to Taiwanese, yet, they always make friends with Thais and Southeast Asia people, so they do not mind. 6. Taiwan is a multicultural sociality, the researcher focus on the city of South of Taoyuan, They discovered that most married couples become to be the Hakka community. The married couples were influenced by the Hakka culture such as the husband will lead his wife so the man will be like the powerful leader of the family. The wife who married into Hakka family need to adjust herself to be underneath her husband also to change the role of herself from a woman to be a wife, daughter-in-low and mother. The fact which the researcher can find is Thai wife who is from a farmer family can adjust herself to be with the Hakka family as well because they have the similar way of life compared to Hakka family like a assiduous and economical people. We can say that Thai wife is supported by the Hakka culture which is a part of adjustment in the culture for her new life in Taiwan. On the other hand. Thai-Chinese who is rich and has a good life quality in the hometown cannot adapt to the role of Hakka women who need to work hard and change herself many ways to be underneath the man’s power, so it turns out that the Hakka Culture push and take effect to cultural adjustment hardly to the new life.
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