摘要: | 本論文是以三毛為核心的研究,將「跨界」與「愛情」兩大主題結合展開探討,並參用林芳玫在《解讀瓊瑤愛情王國》中所架構的文學社會學流程為研究方法,酌採場域理論、人類表演學、服裝社會心理學……等,作出一連繫文本外部與文本內部的全面性思考與論述,試圖描述三毛現象,並為三毛文本在橫向的文學場域及縱向的臺灣文學史中,給予再次定位。 第一章,就本論文的動機與目的、目前三毛研究概況、研究方法,以及論文架構做出說明。 第二章到第四章,分別以「陳平時期」(1962-1975)、「三毛時期」(1974-1979)、「Echo時期」(1980-1991)為文學生涯橫跨六○年代、七○年代、八○年代三個世代的三毛作出分期:首先,在各章前言中,劃出各時期明確的時間界定與討論文本範圍;其二,在第一節中,說明不同時期的社會狀況與文壇發展,作為討論背景;其三,在第二節中,則指出三毛在各階段的地理移動,發現三毛「跨界」的背後都有一段無論結果如何的愛情故事,所以當「三毛時期」三毛與荷西的愛情穩定時,她的「跨界」較另外兩個時期明顯單純許多。除此之外,也探討她在讀者心中旅人卅靈媒卅作家卅文化明星等形象的形成;其四,在第三節中,討論各時期不同的文本風格與主體──「陳平時期」雖具有濃厚的現代主義風格,但已是往後作品的雛形,尤其在一九七四年到一九七五年這段與「三毛時期」重疊的部分,更能說是從陳平轉變為三毛的過渡階段。而「三毛時期」的沙漠書寫,雖以異鄉為主題,但所具有的「中華文化意識」將「異鄉」作為「故鄉」,是早於「張愛玲熱」在八○年代面向女作家們的「文化鄉愁」,「三毛熱」則是在七○年代直接面對大眾的「文化鄉愁」,為當時懸而未決的身分焦慮解套。在「Echo時期」則將「擬傳記」書寫發揮極致,將「三毛熱」推上巔峰,同時Echo主體的出現為三毛創作內容加廣加深;最後,結論中將各節內容做出整體評述。 第五章,總結,則首先簡要整理各章脈絡內容;其次就文學現象與文學定位的研究展開描述與討論──文學現象方面,就「中額美學品味促成的閱讀三毛熱」、「將熱潮延續的『文本身體』」、「象徵性權力運作:由作家到文化明星的多重身分」三點做出描述;在文學定位方面,則分別就「從瓊瑤到閨秀女作家的橋樑」、「非典型的文化中國」、「類旅行書寫羅曼史」討論,跳脫一直以來嚴重傾斜用旅行文學的框架看待三毛的不足,而認為三毛的愛情書寫不只成為瓊瑤到閨秀女作家群的連結,也為臺灣的羅曼史文類開拓出不同的面貌,由此賦予三毛結合「跨界」與「愛情」的「類旅行書寫羅曼史」的美學位置。This paper aims to explore San Mao as the core, combining crossing boundary writing with narratives of love by applying sociology of literature as the main research method, including field theory, performance studies, the social psychology of clothing and so on. In an attempt to describe the phenomenon caused by San Mao, the writer tries to reposition San Mao by extensively integrating the internal as well as the external narratives in relation to Taiwanese literature. The first chapter illustrates the basic structure of this thesis, including the motive, the purpose, research methods and literary studies on San Mao. From the second chapter to the fourth chapter, the writer outlines the three phases of San Mao, including 60s, 70s and 80s. Firstly, the timelines and the scope of works are specified in each individual introduction. Secondly, the different social conditions and literary developments are explored as the background knowledge. Thirdly, the writer indicates the love stories behind each individual geographical movement of San Mao, however each love story ends. Fourthly, the writer discusses the different style of narratives and subjects, emphasizing the phase of Echo pushing the San Mao literary phenomenon to the summit. Finally, the writer draws conclusion integrally. In the fifth chapter, literary studies are put together, briefly outlining the contents of each chapter. And then the author initiates the discussion based on literary phenomenon and literary position. With these two research methods, the author explores the linkage of San Mao’s love narratives and those of Boudoir literature writers. Meanwhile, San Mao’s aesthetic position is redefined through the combination of crossing boundary and love narratives in this thesis. |