醫學影像為現今主流的醫療診斷模式,並被使用於各大醫療院所,在大大量的使用需求下,醫學影像軟體開始迅速發展,但卻未立即為專科醫師採用,除了軟體的價格問題以及技術的信任問題之外,軟體高操作難度或是複雜的作業程序,是阻礙醫師使用的主要原因,因此,本研究發展一以觸控操作為主的骨科手術規劃平台,以觸控簡單操作的特性,讓醫師毋須經過複雜的訓練便能夠上手使用,平台兼具良好的擴充性,未來可結合各類專業的手術模組,提供更廣泛的協助。本研究針對平台特性設計一觸控操作介面,並以觸控操作思維重新設計各功能的操作程序,簡化平台操作,並結合骨盆創傷手術術前評估模組,讓平台可針對骨盆手術進行手術規劃。本研究後續協助了兩個骨盆骨折案例,以本研究設計的輔助流程,逐步協助醫師進行手術規劃,其中一例於術前輸出輔助資訊,並實際應用於手術中,以此驗證了本平台之可行性。Medical imaging has been commonly used for diagnosis in most hospitals. It makes medical visualization system (MVS) evolutionary, but MVS is still not widely used in health care. One of the main reasons is that it is not ease-of-use, and needs lengthy training procedure. The aim of this study is to develop a MVS for the application in orthopedic surgery. The proposed MVS is called PhysiGuide, which combines with the multi-touch module to make the operation of the system more user-friendly. PhysiGuide can accept the variety of surgical planning modules to assist the preoperative planning of various orthopedic surgeries. A particular module for the preoperative planning of pelvic surgery is developed in this study. Two clinical cases are discussed to demonstrate the entire process of the proposed system. Supplementary information is output from the proposed system and is helpful for the surgeons in decision making, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed system.