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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/53910

    Title: 校園環境噪音對國三學生煩擾度及學習成就的影響-以桃園縣某國中為例;The impact of campus noise on ninth-grade students in annoyance and academic achievement- a case study of a junior high school in Taoyuan County
    Authors: 彭中敬;Peng,Chung-ching
    Contributors: 環境工程研究所碩士在職專班
    Keywords: 學習成就;校園;噪音;影響;學生;campus;noise;academic achievement;impact;students
    Date: 2012-07-12
    Issue Date: 2012-09-11 18:19:04 (UTC+8)
    Publisher: 國立中央大學
    Abstract: 較高的環境噪音,常對位處市區的學校造成困擾。本研究旨在調查國中校園環境噪音現況,以及國三學生受環境噪音干擾的情形,包括環境噪音的來源、干擾學習的程度,以及與學習成就之間的關聯。研究中選取桃園縣某國中(L 國中)進行調查,所分析的資料來源包括現場實測數據、520名學生填寫的問卷、學生學習成就等。研究資料以SPSS 17.0 for windows進行分析。研究結果發現,L國中校園周界內部的環境音量以正門附近為最高,均能音壓位準可達 71.3~74.8 dB(A),噪音峰值達106.3~115.8 dB(A),而周界的環境音量最低之處,為側門附近區域。九年級學生所在的自強樓,其環境音量平均的均能音壓位準可達69.9~72.6 dB(A),但四個樓層的音量未有顯著差別,在時間分布上亦未有顯著趨勢。自強樓靠近正門的西側測點,其平均音量高於東側,上午時段高出 3.2 dB(A),下午時段則高出 2.1 dB(A)。若以噪音來源觀之,「工程施工噪音」是造成最大干擾的來源,而「上課時同學的吵鬧聲」、「馬路的汽車聲、機車聲」干擾程度居於二、三位。再以噪音影響的科目來分析,環境噪音較容易干擾主科的學習,其中以社會、數學、自然課為最。在統計分析方面,亦發現個人噪音敏感度的性別差異相當顯著,女性的噪音敏感度較男性更高。噪音煩擾度與個人噪音敏感度為輕度正相關,相關係數為 .286。個人噪音敏感度與學習成就的關聯方面,國文科與敏感度的相關係數達到 .273,屬於輕度正相關;且個人噪音敏感度亦與所有主科的學習成就呈正相關。噪音煩擾度與各課程易受噪音干擾情形方面,國文科與煩擾度的相關係數為 .292,達輕度相關,且個人自覺噪音煩擾度越高時,學習主科時也越容易受到干擾。 依本研究結果,提出幾點建議如下:首先教室的安排,可依環境音量監測的結果進行;學校應在教室加裝防音設施,以防制自校園外進入的噪音,或各班之間互相干擾的噪音。社會、自然、數學三科的學習,易受到噪音干擾,因此在排課時應將此三科與其他會產生較大音量的課程錯開,以增進學習效果。Higher environmental noise is often a distress to schools in urban areas. This study aims to evaluate junior high school environmental noise, as well as how the students are disturbed by noise. The research includes classifying the source of environmental noise, knowing the noise interference in learning during class, and the correlation between noise and academic achievement. A school (labeled as "L school") in Taoyuan county is selected to investigate. The data for analysis includes (1) field measurements of sound level, (2) questionnaires filled out by 520 ninth-grade students (at the age of 15 years old), (3) and academic achievement. The data are further analyzed using the software SPSS 17.0 for windows. The results showed the highest environmental noise of the L school border inside part is near the front gate. The equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) ranges from 71.3 to 74.8 dB(A) while the peak sound level (Lp) ranges from 106.3 to 115.8 dB(A). The lowest environmental noise is near the side door instead.In the four-floor building (called J.H building) where ninth-grade students' classrooms are located, the average Leq ranges from 69.9 to 72.6 dB(A).There is no significant difference between four floors, and no obvious trends in time distribution. The sound level of west side of the J.H building is higher than that measured at east side, while west side is closer to the front gate. The average Leq of west side is higher than east side by 3.2 dB(A) in the morning and 2.1 dB(A) in the afternoon. When it comes to the sources of noise, the most annoying one is "construction noise", followed by "classmates brawling during class" and "the road traffic noise" as the second and third place. Besides, environmental noise interferes more with the classes of main subject courses, especially "social science, natural science, and math courses".The statistical analysis showed a quite significant difference in personal noise sensitivity between two genders: the noise sensitivity is higher in female students than male ones. There is a fair degree of association between noise annoyance and personal noise sensitivity. The correlation coefficient reaches .286. There's also a fair degree of association between noise sensitivity and academic achievement on the subject "Chinese". The correlation coefficient is .273. In fact, personal noise sensitivity is positively correlated to academic achievement of all main subjects. The correlation coefficient is .292 between noise annoyance and disturbance during Chinese class, it is a fair degree. Meanwhile, the higher the noise annoyance is, the greater disturbance during all main subject classes it will be.According to the results, some suggestions are as follows: Firstly, classrooms location could be arranged by means of the environmental sound level measurement results; secondly, classrooms should install appropriate noise abatement facilities to prevent noises from outside; thirdly, since the classes of "social science, natural science, and math courses" are more easily disturbed by noise, some courses which produce higher noise should be arranged to other slots on timetable to improve learning environment.
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Environmental Engineering] Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

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