「公民參與」在民主國家的治理上扮演著重要角色,對於凝聚族群的共榮關係來說更是不可或缺。本研究係探究現階段臺灣民主發展已臻成熟的情形下,客家族群的公民參與的程度為何?有別於過去的客家文獻多探討在鄉村型客家庄、鎮區域,本研究聚焦於臺灣政治經濟的重心、人文薈萃的首善之都—臺北市,欲呈現客家族群隱形化現象下的公民參與情形。本研究透過文獻分析法針對國內外理論的爬梳,以及問卷調查法分析409份有效樣本,交叉驗證後發現:(ㄧ)臺北市客家族群慣性隱形於都會區:調查顯示五成的臺北市客家族群呈現被動顯性,亦即「被詢問才會告知客家身份」;(二)公民參與及客家都會隱形兩者有關連性:公民參與的「公共事務」、「社區團體」、「慈善志願」及都會隱形化的「表態程度」、「外顯程度」,構面間彼此存在「低度相關」的正向影響關係,亦即臺北市客家族群公民參與程度越高,對於表態與外顯客家身份的程度也越高;(三)臺北市客家族群的公民參與類型多集中在政治型與情感連結型:呼應客家族群扮演越來越明顯的政治性關鍵角色,以及客家社團的重要性。 綜言之,有鑒於臺灣客家族群面臨都會隱形化的危機,本研究認為臺北市客家族群應該要從自身的社會參與開始積極做起,透過多元的社會參與與關係網絡的構築,累積客家族群在社會上的互惠性、依賴性與信任感,穩固客家族群在社會上的凝聚力,進而擺脫隱形化的姿態與身段,發揮客家族群的影響力。“Civic engagement” plays an important role to governance in a democracy country, needless to say about the concentration of ethnic relationship. This study attempts to evaluate the condition of Hakka ethnic civic engagement which is the metropolitan city that developing mature democracy. Being different to most of the studies which are mainly focusing on Hakka town, this study emphasis on the most critical capital city—Taipei, which lots of Hakka ethnic hide in. By cross-validated between literature reviews and 409 samples questionnaire survey, verifying whether the positive relationship is between theHakka civic engagement and urban silence. The result of research is: (a) Taipei Hakka ethnic accustoms to being silence in the urban life. The research shows that half of Taipei Hakka ethnic is presenting a passive attitude. (b) There is a direct proportion between Hakka’s urban silence and civic engagement. It means the more civic engagement it becomes, the higher positive attitude bepresented. (c) The type of civic engagement of Taipei Hakka ethnic is political and emotion bonding group, which means Hakka ethnic plays a crucial role to the politic. Overall, due to the crisis of Hakka ethnic vanishing, this study recommends that Hakka ethnic should take social engagement more aggressively. By diversifying social engagement and social network, accumulating the sense of trust, so that Hakka ethnic could stabilize the affection and coherence.