摘要: | 摘要 1895年,因為馬關條約,臺灣被清廷割讓給日本。全臺紳民為阻止臺灣成為日本的殖民地,由丘逢甲等仕紳,倡議成立「臺灣民主國」,反對日本入侵臺灣。並且,由原來清廷派在臺灣的巡撫唐景崧,為臺灣民主國總統。但是,日軍有備而來,倉促成立的臺灣民主國,政府正規軍在基隆、臺北地區抗日的軍事行動上,乏善可陳。臺北地區人心惶惶,總統唐景崧在臺灣民主國成立的第12天就內渡中國大陸。不久,日軍進入臺北城。 臺北的臺灣民主國抗日政府失敗後,日軍沿著當年劉銘傳所興建的鐵路線往南進軍,卻在桃園客家地區受到客家義軍嚴重的阻擊,時間長達一個月。本研究即在探討,為什麼在乙未年,桃園的客家人紛紛加入客家義軍,客家人敢於對抗火力強大的日軍,使日軍南侵的計畫一再受阻?而且,光是在桃園客家地區,至少就有中壢兵站之役,大湳尾之役,安平鎮之役和龍潭坡之役,都是直接或間接由胡嘉猷所領導的客家義軍抗日行動。尤其是,在1895年6月和7月,日本軍隊兩次進軍小小的安平鎮,卻慘敗而退,日軍不得不三度攻打安平鎮。其後,日軍又在龍潭坡和胡嘉猷所領導的客家義軍再度決戰。最後,龍潭地區的客家義軍壯烈犧牲,龍潭在地客家人,至今,仍然每年舉行春秋兩祭,祭拜乙未年為龍潭抗日犧牲的「73公忠義廟」。 現在,似乎很少人談論客家義軍領導人胡嘉猷的歷史事蹟,所以,本研究希望探討客家人胡嘉猷的抗日事蹟,再次了解胡嘉猷的歷史定位。而乙未年客家義軍抗日的歷史意義,表現在軍事、政治、經濟以及社會各個層面上。因而,本研究更討論近人歷史著作的議論以及在地客家文史工作者對乙未年客家義軍抗日活動的看法,用以釐清歷史真相。Abstract In 1895, Taiwan was ceded to Japan by Qing Dynasty due to Treaty of Shimonoseki. Social leaders and civics around Taiwan were trying every possible in preventing Taiwan to be colonized by Japan. Social heads such as Qiu Fen-gjia initiated “Republic of Taiwan” and defended the interruption of Japanese military and its governments to dominate Taiwan. Furthermore, they had selected ex-governor in Ching Dynasty, Tang Jing-song, to be the president of “Republic of Taiwan”. Yet, Japanese military were well-prepared. The hastily government and its soldiers did not receive positive result while they were defending Japanese military in Keelong and Taipei area. At that moment, the Taiwanese were panic, and the president Tang Jing-song had ferried to Mainland China after the 12th day that the Republic was established. Japanese military took over Taipei city in shortly. After the failure of the Republic of Taiwan, Japanese military followed the railway route down to the south; they were seriously attacked by Hakka volunteering military in Taoyuan area over one month. The study was to explore why Hakka in Taoyuan attended volunteering military actively in 1895, how come Hakka were bravely fight with well-armed Japanese military. At Hakka area in Taoyuan, there were famous battles such as at Chungli military base, at Dananmei, at Anping town, and at Longtan slope, all were directly and/or indirectly leaded by Hu jia-you, a legendary Hakka volunteering military leader. Above all, Japanese solider were failed twice while they planned to take over Anping town in June and July in 1895. Finally, this city was taken over at their third attempt. Afterward, Japanese military and Hakka volunteering military were fighting again in Longtan slope, and Hakka were dead bravely. Until now, Hakka in Longtan have worship to memorize those 73 passed-away Hakka volunteering solider in the memorial temple at every spring and fall. Nowadays, there is limited people discussed Hu jia-you, a Hakka legend and his contributions. The research was targeted to review the events that Hu jia-you did while he was defending Japanese military, and to reposition him in history. The meaning that Hakka volunteering military did to fight with the Japanese colonization is presented on military, political, economic, and social aspects. With studies on historical articles and interviews to local Hakka researchers, the thesis had clarified historical details and its meanings. |