奈米線(nanowires)的電特性與相關之光電性質對於在了解量子傳輸現象或介觀物理性質方面是相當重要,此外也有效地促進開發新穎奈米電子元件的應用。在製作奈米線電子元件中最基本的製程步驟是將奈米線準確地放置在所需的位置及方位,然而發展一種能大量沉積奈米線的方式仍具有極大挑戰。近幾年一些製作週期性奈米大小結構或陣列技術已陸續被提出,如:dip-pen lithography、evaporation-induced capillary flow methods等技術,其中電子束誘發沉積(electron beam induced deposition, EBID)技術可局部性地直接沉積介電、半導體與金屬材料等,且具有奈米級的精準解析度,因此被視為相當具有前景的技術。雖然EBID擁有這些優點,但是幾乎沒有什麼相關研究報告探討EBID所製作之奈米線的光電性質。本計畫將研究EBID製作之Pt奈米線的電特性與光電性質。由於EBID製作之Pt奈米線是由Pt的奈米晶粒與非晶碳基底所構成,因此本研究將調整沉積參數來得出不同混合比例(Pt 奈米晶粒/非晶碳)之Pt奈米線,並將進行退火處理以探討其結構變化對光電性質之影響。在電性質方面,將針對電阻率和溫度的相關性進行量測,並與純Pt奈米線之性質做比較來探討在EBID製作之Pt奈米線之電傳導機制與其混合結構間的關係。而在光電性質方面,首先將利用光激發和拉曼光譜量測不同沉積條件或熱處理後之Pt奈米線的光學性質。接著將觀察奈米線之光電流現象,並討論其結構變化對光電流效應之影響,藉以了解Pt 奈米線作為光偵檢器(optical sensor)之可行性。此外,本研究也將探索Pt奈米線的光電傳導機制模型。 ; Electrical and related optoelectronic properties of nanowires are of great importance, not only for the understanding of quantum transportation or mesophysics but also for the application to novel electronic/optoelectronic devices. The fundamental step in the construction of such devices is to place and align the nanowires at desired positions and directions. Nevertheless, developing a mass production technique for precise positioning of nanowires has remained a great challenge. Several techniques have been proposed to fabricate a periodic or arrays of nanometer-sized structures, such as dip-pen lithography, evaporation-induced capillary flow methods and so on. Electron beam induced deposition (EBID) is a promising technique for direct-writing of dielectric, semiconductor, and metallic materials with nanoscale precision and resolution. In spite of these advantages, however, there have been few, if any, research reports of the optoelectronic properties of the nanowires deposited by the EBID processing. In this project, we will study electrical and optoelectronic properties of EBID-defined Pt nanowires deposited with various growth parameters and treated by post-growth annealing processes. At first, the property of the temperature-dependent resistivity will be investigated and compared with pure Pt nanowires in order to clarify the dependence between the electrical transportation mechanism and their mixture (disorder) structures. For understanding the optical properties of nanocrystalline Pt embedded in the amorphous carbon, photoluminescence and Raman spectra will be used for characterization of Pt nanowires. Moreover, the photocurrent behaviors and their relationship with the nanowire structures will be discussed and the electrical transportation model will also be explored. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907