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    題名: 大氣戴奧辛及有害空氣污染物經由長程傳輸機制對國內環境之衝擊性評估研究;Investigation on Long-Range Transport of Dioxin-Like and Hazardous Pollutants
    作者: 張木彬;周崇光;林唐煌;張艮輝;王家麟;許桂榮
    貢獻者: 中央大學環境工程研究所
    關鍵詞: 大氣科學類;戴奧辛;;氣膠;長程傳輸;衛星遙測;擴散模式
    日期: 2008-09-01
    上傳時間: 2012-10-01 11:29:07 (UTC+8)
    出版者: 行政院國家科學委員會
    摘要: 沙塵暴(dust storm)是強風捲起大量沙塵,使能見度迅速惡化的大氣現象,乃乾旱與環境沙漠化的產物。值得關切的是,經由長程輸送機制進入台灣空品區的懸浮微粒,一般多經過不同氣源區(包括污染區),因此近年來長程傳輸帶來之懸浮微粒中各污染物之組成特性也引起國內外學者的關注,其中持久性有機污染物及重金屬汞與砷即屬最可能經由長程傳輸進入台灣境內的污染物。國內研究亦顯示大陸沙塵暴來臨前台北盆地大氣懸浮微粒中之戴奧辛含量由原本之245 pg-TEQ/g 大幅上升至490 pg-TEQ/g 以上,此外國外針對全球大氣汞之長程輸送研究結果顯示台灣位於處高大氣汞沈降量的地區,由於沙塵暴亦可能將沿途所經地區之大氣汞及砷推送至台灣,因此,位居下風處的台灣空氣與環境品質以及生態都可能受影響。本計畫擬整合國內亞洲沙塵暴、持久性有機污染物及大氣長程傳輸模式等相關領域之專家學者,預計以3 年之研究期程調查國內(台灣本島及離島)及鄰近國家(日本及韓國)亞洲沙塵暴期間及東北季風好發季節大氣戴奧辛、重金屬及其他有害空氣污染物(PAHs, VOCs, SOx, NOx, O3 及CO )濃度變化並釐清經由境外長程傳輸攜入我國空品區之有害空氣污染物於大氣環境中之傳輸機制及分佈特性,初步建立有害空氣污染物長程傳輸推估模式,以供環保署施政之參考。 ; In spring, Asian dust storms (ADS) originating in the deserts of Mongolia and China make their way to populated area of East Asia, including Taiwan. The ADS lead to enhanced PM10 and PM2.5 levels beyond those due to local sources. Those particles usually contain diversified organic matter and other pollutants that may cause adverse effects on human health and substantial economic damage. Relevant epidemiological study reveals that suspended particles considerably influence respiratory health. Particularly, the contents of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) exist in suspended particles and concentrations of heavy metal (mercury and arsenic) in vapor phase via long range transport have been investigated. Our previous study indicates that the PCDD/Fs bound to suspended particles increase from 257~259 to 339~512 pg-I-TEQ/g-TSP during the ADS episode. Relevant studies also indicate that significant mercury deposition was observed in eastern Asia including Taiwan. Therefore, dramatic increases of PCDD/F and heavy metal concentrations provided by ADS are brought into the atmosphere through wind blowing, and eventually settle to water bodies or other receptors in the environment via either dry or wet deposition mechanism. In this study, the researchers with the specialties of in atmospheric dioxins, heavy metal, aerosol, meteorology, satellite image and dispersion model will collaborate. In next three years, the atmospheric concentrations of PCDD/Fs, PCBs, heavy metal (mercury and arsenic), and other gaseous pollutant (PAHs, VOCs, SOx, NOx, O3 and CO ) will be monitored and investigated during ADS events in northern Taiwan, off-shore island and other Asian nations. The objective of this study is to evaluate the extend and effects of hazardous atmospheric pollutants caused by ADS via long range transport. ; 研究期間 9702 ~ 9712
    關聯: 財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心
    顯示於類別:[環境工程研究所 ] 研究計畫


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