目前(2007)全世界所有能源的取得和應用(含電力、運輸載具、工廠工業爐等等),仍以燃燒為最主要的方法,許多國家如我國和美國幾達90%。雖然從能源生產力(每單位油當量消耗所創造之產值)的角度來看,碳氫燃料最具經濟競爭力(因碳氫燃料每公斤的儲能密度約45百萬焦耳,是目前新一代鋰電池近百倍),但其所造成的負面因素,引發了許多嚴重的環境問題(如CO2和全球氣候變遷問題等)。隨著社會對環保越來越高的要求,使各國政府必須全力研發能源科技,以提供解決問題的選擇方案。二十一世紀將是個能源逐漸匱乏的世紀,未來我國面對能源新挑戰的策略和選擇,宜從科技發展歷史(高效率節能科技)以及社會需求改變的推動力(新、潔淨及再生能源科技),同步平行作思考規劃。是故本計畫針對節約能源科技領域,提出一高效率低氮氧化物燃燒技術之實作研究,以現今國際燃燒領域中之先進燃燒方法,即貧油預混紊流燃燒和觸媒燃燒,配合不同設計概念之熱再循環和弱漩渦流穩定噴流預混紊焰技術,開發低於10 ppm之個位數氮氧化物之高效率燃燒器和民生用新型低污染節能之熱水器,並研發天然氣加氫燃燒技術和氫能利用新技術。因天然氣為低碳氫比之燃料,可使CO2廢氣產量減少,是今後20、30年過渡到氫能源又要兼顧溫室氣體減量之主要燃料,所研發之天然氣加氫燃燒技術結合低氮氧化物燃燒器,可用於發電用之燃氣輪機和工業用之鍋爐或焚化爐等。而氫能利用新技術是未來能源之選項之一,值得投入開發。另民生用新型節能低污染之熱水器,將結合低氮氧化物燃燒器和不同設計之水管/熱交換器來開發之。本計畫首先針對高效率天然氣(主要為甲烷)加氫燃燒技術提出一實驗研究,以貧油預混紊流燃燒和加氫燃燒方法來達到高效率和低NOx之燃燒目標。第二項工作也是本計畫目標,為研發高效率低氮氧化物燃燒器,應用熱再循環和熱釋放之熱力學轉換原理,使熱損失減到最小,並用蜂巢式白金和鈀觸媒,使氫氣、天然氣(主要為甲烷CH4)、液態瓦斯(主要為丙烷C3H8)或醇類燃料(甲醇或乙醇再生能源等)與觸媒產生表面反應,釋放熱能,因其最高溫度可控制在1000oC以下,在此溫度下幾無thermal NOx之產生,故可研發超低氮氧化物燃燒器。超貧油過焓觸媒反應具有高熱效率,使能源利用效率更佳,並幾無NOx排放且達到CO2減量的目標,為一潔淨能源新技術。前述結果將應用於研發一新型安全節能低污染熱水器,結合鰭管式熱交換器等不同設計水管來產生熱水。第三項工作將設計一體積小具高混合效率之預混噴流低氮氧化物燃燒器,在燃燒器噴嘴出口前端設置一漩渦器,由四支特殊斜角設計之切邊噴嘴所構成,由斜角噴嘴所產生之環狀渦流可在出口流場產生一均勻徑向壓力梯度,進而產生穩定預混紊焰之效果。應用此特殊的穩焰設計使漩渦火焰不易受外界影響,亦可減少因火焰不穩定性所產生的污染物,達到低氮氧化物的目標。 ; Nowaday, combustion is still the major means to provide the total energy consumption in the world from the electricity power generation sector to various transportation sectors to industrial furnaces and burners. Many countries, such as Taiwan and USA, 90 % of total energy consumption is provided by fossil fuels. Since typical hydrocarbon fuels have roughly 100 times energy density (~ 45 MJ/kg) higher than that of modern lithium batteries (~ 0.5 MJ/kg), fossil fuels even with prices up to US$75 per barrel are still the most competitive fuel in many aspects. But the real challenge by which mankind may face today is the global carbon problem, especially for the need of CO2 reduction due to the global climate change, how to promote the efficiency of using available energy resources (especially oils), develop the new energy technology, and achieve the clean energy goal have always been the main strategies by industrial nations. In the future, we shall face the problem of the energy shortage and the international pressure on demanding the reduction of green house gases (especially the reduction of CO2). Thus, the high-efficiency clean energy technology is central to our country and its importance is crystal clear. This motivates the present proposal. How to reduce CO2 emissions or develop oil substitutes, such as the usage of methane fuel with very low molar ratio of carbon to hydrogen and the usage of hydrogen energy, is the goal of the present proposal. Thus, this proposal aims to develop high-efficiency, low-NOx combustion technologies, which are new energy saving technologies. We shall apply lean premixed turbulent combustion and catalytic combustion techniques to develop some single-digit low-NOx burners and to establish high-efficiency natural gas doping with hydrogen combustion technology. These technologies can be applied to stationary power generation or automobile for cleaner burning, so that the goals of CO2 reduction and very low-NOx emissions can be achieved. ; 研究期間 9701 ~ 9712