近年來由於生醫分析與蛋白質體學的迅速發展,能夠量測分子質量的質譜分析逐漸地被廣泛使用在生醫科學上。且伴隨著微奈米製造技術的進步,質譜分析也提升至另一個境界。使用微加工技術製造的高 surface-to-area ratio 的多孔狀矽晶片,已證明能不使用化學基質並將分子離子化進行質譜分析。然而,目前孔狀矽晶片的製造方式通常產生封閉式(close-cell) 的孔狀結構,且孔狀密度較低,進而影響引離子化之效能。因此開發高效能,高靈敏度的質譜分析晶片為一重要的課題。本計劃提出一種使用金屬輔助蝕刻法產出奈米等級,層片狀的薄膜型矽晶片稱作層狀薄膜矽晶片 (nanofilament silicon membrane) 的製造技術。計劃主要分為兩大部份:第一個部份著重於薄膜矽晶片之設計、製造、優化以及其對質譜分析離子化效能之關係。此部份期望藉由優化製造程續產出更高密度與高 surface-to-area ratio 的奈米結構進而達到高離子化效率的質譜分析晶片。計畫第二部份則著重於此一獨特的層狀薄膜結構在質譜分析上的應用。層狀薄膜晶片獨特的開放式 (open-cell) 的結構能使分析物完全吸附於矽表面上並有效地去除雜質進而達到高效能,高靈敏度的質譜分析晶片。本人期望藉由本計劃的研究使無基質質譜分析晶片應用上能有重大突破,並對分析檢測以及微奈米製造領域上有所貢獻。 ; In recent years, mass spectrometry (MS) has become a widely used analytical technique for biomolecules in biological analysis and proteomics field because its capability of providing quantitative mass information. With improving micro/nano-fabrication techniques, application of mass spectrometry analysis has also advanced into a brand new level. Using microfabricated high surface to area ratio porous silicon, biological sample can be ionized without using organic matrix. However, current porous silicon fabrication techniques have close-cell morphology with low pore density which limits the ionization process during mass spectrometry analysis. As consequence, developing high performance, high sensitivity mass spectrometry substrate is an important subject. In this research proposal, design, fabrication and optimization of nanoscale, filament-like silicon membrane called nanofilament silicon membrane using metal-assist etching method has proposed. This proposal is divided into two parts. The first part of this research emphasis on the fabrication and optimization of nanofilament silicon membrane. Nanofilament silicon membrane morphology and its relation to the ionization efficiency will be evaluated. The nanofilament silicon membrane fabricating from the proposed metal-assist etching method expect to have higher surface to area ratio and pore density for efficient ionization. The second part focus on the use of the nanofilament silicon membrane in mass spectrometry application. From its open-cell morphology design which enables sample bond to the filament structure efficiently after sample cleaning procedure. Several unique applications using nanofilament silicon membrane in mass spectrometry will demonstrate as high performance high sensitivity matrix-free mass spectrometry substrate. This novel matrix-free mass spectrometry analysis method will contribute to the bioanalysis, micro/nano fabrication techniques as well as other related field. ; 研究期間 9710 ~ 9807