國內駕照管理未規定駕駛人在換照及補照時,須檢查體格與體能狀況、測試對交通法令基本常識之瞭解與駕駛技能等,以致無法察覺因年齡老化所造成之生理功能退化、特定疾病發展以及殘障或體格變化所衍生之駕駛安全問題。為保障用路者之安全,本研究擬應用運研所現有之交通心理測試系統(Vienna Test System, VTS),針對特定疾病及高齡族群持續進行國人之VTS交通心理實證分析,持續擴充國內駕駛適性資料庫系統,並蒐整睡眠、藥物、疾病、老化等與駕駛安全關聯性之文獻,國外駕駛人安全管理及醫學建議諮詢之制度,以規劃未來有關駕駛安全制度推廣之研究方向與主題。 ; The existed regulation of domestic driving license is performed without medical examination, traffic rule test and driving skill evaluation. Thus, whether the condition of driver is suitable for driving become unclear. It would cause the traffic safety issues. The aim of this project is to investigate the effects of specific illness and elders on driving safety with the Vienna Test System (VTS), and extend the domestic Fitness to Drive Database. Additionally, foreign regulations of medical standards of fitness to drive, and literature on driving safety affected by sleeping, drug, illness, aging are to be studied to propose future research topics for driving safety. ; 研究期間 9704 ~ 9711