921地震車籠埔斷層活動造成近百公里的地表破裂,為近百年發生在陸地上逆衝斷層活動中的最大者,亦提供了研究低角度逆衝斷層破裂及地盤變形現象的絕佳機會。 並在車籠埔斷層沿線選定六個具代表性地區,以電子全測站測量地震後地形,以及裂隙、地塹等次生構造,配合野外地質調查資料,製作剖面圖與3D透視圖,以了解斷層上下盤的變形方式。 車籠埔斷層上盤的變形現象大致可分為(a)單斜變形,(b)純粹撓曲變形,(c)純逆衝變形,(d)逆衝及地塹變形,(e)逆衝及撓曲變形,(f)逆衝及背衝斷層變形,及(g)逆衝及背衝撓曲變形,各種變形特性將在本文描述。 The surface rupture along the Chelungpu fault associated with the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake extends north-south about 100 km. It provides an exceptional opportunity to study surface deformation of a low angle thrust. Our detailed survey at representative sites along the fault shows that the rupture is a relatively simple 1 to 4 m high scarp with minor hanging-wall deformation and localize uplift, fold, and graben formation along the scarp crest. Along the length of the Chelungpu fault rupture, hanging-wall deformation may be classified into 7 different styles. This includes: (a) monoclinal folding, (b) warping, (c) pure thrusting, (d) thrusting and graben formation, (e) thrusting and warping, (f) thrusting and backthrusting, and (g) thrusting and back-kinking. Simple thrusting and monoclinal folding generally represent narrower deformation. whereas more complex zones of deformation tend to be wider. The deformation styles will be described in details in the text.