一般語言互動中,互動者之間存在著兩種可能的關係:一是水平關係 (relation horizontale);一是垂直關係(relation verticale)。前者指雙方親疏遠近的關係,後者則表示彼此間平等或上下層級關係。關乎語言互動的開展與進行的這兩種層次的關係之建立,不只取決於互動者的性別、年齡、身份地位、彼此熟悉程度等,也與互動者在互動過程中的行為,尤其是關係詞 (relationèmes)的運用,密切相關:關係詞不但反映互動者之間在某一時刻的關係,也使互動雙方得以不斷重新建構與形塑,甚至顛覆彼此的關係;換言之,透過關係詞的運用,互動者雙方亦可以協商彼此的關係。在屬性與目的均不同於一般語言互動的電視辯論中,上述兩個層次的關係的協商拉鋸尤其明顯與重要:電視辯論的目的固然在於透過提出環環相扣的強有力的論證,俾試圖駁倒對方,在雙方互動關係的層次上佔上風者,氣勢自然不同,因此互動雙方在關係的協商拉鋸中自是卯足了勁,試圖居上位。關係詞的運用因而顯得異常重要,蓋運用得當得以使互動者在辯論中佔優勢。本計畫旨在透過語言互動分析的方法,從陳述行為與互動的觀點,探討在語言互動的過程中,互動雙方關係的協商拉鋸,試圖探究互動雙方如何透過關係詞的運用協商彼此的關係。本計畫擬以法國總統大選電視辯論作為研究的對象,研究與分析辯論雙方所使用的不同類別的關係詞,及其在關係協商過程中的型式、功能與意涵。本研究的完成期能有助於了解電視辯論中互動雙方關係協商的方式,進而有助於分析與詮釋這類型的語言互動。 ; There are two kinds of relationship in verbal interaction: one is horizontal, another is vertical. The former indicates distance or familiarity, the latter equality or hierarchy. Theses two kinds of relationship which influence the development of interaction depend non only on speakers’ sex, age, statute, and the way they know each other, but also on their behavior, especially their manipulation of relationship units: these ones reflect the relationship between speakers, and allow them to reconstruct, even subvert their relationship in interaction. In televised debates which are quite different from common verbal interaction, the negotiation of these two levels of relationship is extremely important: the purpose of a debate being to overcome the opponent by having logical arguments, the fact that one is in high position from the point of view of relationship will contribute in some way to the arguments he proposes. Therefore, speakers would do their best in the negotiation of relationship, trying to make themselves superior. Usage of relationship units is consequently important. This project aims at analyzing, from the point of view of enunciation and interaction, the negotiation of relationship in interaction, trying to understand how speakers negotiate their relationship by manipulating relationship units. Televised debates of French presidential election will be analyzed in the present study which will contribute to understand the way speakers negotiate their relationship during debate, and to analyze and interpret this kind of interaction. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807