雖然現今有諸多地方史資訊系統,但多以單一行政區域為主,資料呈現單一化,鮮能展示地理與人文或跨區域的相互牽引關係。大溪與龍潭兩地僻鄰,地理環境相似,雙方在歷史過往亦有互動,發展境遇卻大不同。雖然網路上有諸多大溪的資料,但看不出大溪與地理及周遭人文互動關係,龍潭的網路資訊則頗為欠缺。如果將史學與電腦科技結合,透過聲音的辨識查詢電腦,將更方便一般人及不諳或不能使用鍵盤操作者學習臺灣這塊土地上的歷史及社會生活知識。本計畫為一跨領域研究計畫,結合歷史及語音專業,以語音問答、文字說明講述及視聽等多功能方式呈現大溪龍潭人文地理變遷的多元面貌。計畫第一年以大溪人文地理沿革為主題,蒐集史料,制訂關鍵詞及以多媒體銓釋詞彙之意義,然後賦予語音查詢及可查閱、可朗讀資料的功能。第二年,以龍潭歷史為主題,並結合第一年成果,連結大溪與龍潭的交互影響,完成大溪與龍潭人文地理語音資訊系統之設計。 ; This is a two-year interdisciplinary project. It will combine the science of history and the technology of speech processing into a speech information system for humanities and geography of Dasi and Longtan. In the 1st year, the historical materials of Dasi will be collected and interpreted and so will the historical data of Longtan in the 2nd year. In addition, some relationships between the collected data of Dasi and Longtan will be analyzed and made in the 2nd year. Then, input by inquiring speech and responded with synthesized voices, a speech information system will be designed for Longtan in the 1st year and integrated into a complete speech information system for Dasi and Longtan in the 2nd year. The developed speech information system will be able to exhibit the historical transition of Dasi and Longtan by means of a smart multimedia capable of talking, speaking and displaying. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907