摘要: | 我國華衛一號(現已更名為福衛一號)上的電離層電漿電動效應儀,自1999 年起,已觀測五年多在電離層頂部的離子資料。透過這豐富的資料庫,我們已建立隨時間、季節與太陽週期變化的全球離子溫度分布。在2004 年,我們曾探究早晨時段離子溫度脊與溫度谷之觀測結果。但在那時候,我們沒有模式可進行精細的研究。僅能用其他觀測資料進行粗略的解釋,認為氧離子的絕熱壓縮與膨漲是其主因。但也有其他人認為,此分布完全是由電子溫度分布所決定,氧離子的對流效應並不重要。日前我們發現SAMI2 模式所產生的離子分布與目前我們所量測的結果相去甚遠。就我們所知,模式所給予的太陽輻射量過高,也許需要作一修正才可得到與觀測相近之結果。此外,我們會使用 HINOTORI 衛星的電子溫度量測,來驗證我們的推論與SAMI2 模式的正確性。透過一系列的比較,我們希望能進一步改良SAMI2 模式,使其能釐清產生早晨時段離子溫度脊與溫度谷之物理機制。 ; Ion temperature has been measured with the Ionospheric Plasma and Electrodynamics Instrument (IPEI) onboard the first satellite of Republic of China (ROCSAT-1) at 600 km altitude for 5.3 years. Global distributions of ion temperature have been constructed and investigated for different local times, seasons and solar variability. In 2004, we have published an article to discuss the possible causes to produce temperature crests and troughs in the morning sector. The adiabatic compression and expansion are expected to produce these distributions. However, some people thought that the heating from electrons should be the main cause. The convective motion seems play a minor role in these distributions. Meanwhile, we found that the SAMI2 model can not reproduce temperature crests and troughs in the morning sector. Currently we know that the amount of solar radiation is too high given in the model and it would result in insignificant adiabatic heating and cooling processes to produce the temperature crests and troughs in the morning sector. Furthermore, electron temperature distribution from HINOTORI satellite would be also used to check the correctness of the SAMI2 model and our explanation. We hope that this study can help improve the SAMI2 model and clarify the physical mechanisms to produce the temperature crests and troughs in the morning sector. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807 |