摘要: | 「kawaii」是日本語的形容詞,最早出自於日本平安時代,原本是指「對於柔弱對象的不忍與憐憫之心」,到了江戶時代初期,kawaii 的否定意義日漸消退,「令人同情」、「令人喜愛」等正面情感的意義成為主流,並開始借用中國漢字「可愛」一詞來表達其意義。在同一時期,kawaii 也逐漸與一般大眾的審美意識結合,成為日本人審美觀的符號文化基礎,多用來形容「小而美」的物件。到了現代,kawaii 一詞所蘊含的意義隨著日本社會走向個人主義發展的歷程,從客觀的審美意識,發展成為主觀情感判斷。而這種情感上的判斷與依託,伴隨著現代消費社會的興起,開始轉化成符號化商品。本研究將以「經濟社會學」(economic sociology )中的消費理論為基礎,剖析現代消費社會中,可愛文化與消費主義結合的現象。同時將對可愛商品的消費視為一種「情感消費」(affective consumption),強調當可愛的符號與概念快速流動、滲透到日常生活時,除了為大眾消費的文化夢幻世界發展創造了環境,使消費者得以遊走於幻想與真實、現實與想像、主觀與客觀間之外,也為個人培養了宣洩情緒的能力。此外,在情感消費的過程中,情感的存量(stocks)、流量(flows)與損益觀念逐漸明顯化,使原本屬於無形的心智情感,開始具有經濟價值,並與實質的資本運作一樣,呈現出有形的樣式。這種型態的資本可名之為「情感資本」(affect capital)。 ; Kawaii style dominated Japanese popular culture after 1990's. Kawaii or “cute”essentially means childlike; it celebrates sweet, adorable, innocent, pure, simple, genuine, gentle, vulnerable, weak, and inexperienced social behaviour and physical appearances. It has been well described as a style which is “infantile and delicate at the same time as being pretty”. Today, the significance which this word contained is changed. kawaii is no longer an objective esthetic concept, it became a subjective affect judgment. Along with the development of consumer society, kawaii style is symbolizing and gives goods a warm and cheer- me-up atmosphere. This research will analyze the combination of cute culture and consumerism based on the theory of the economic sociology. The consumption of fancy goods such as Hello Kitty and Snoopy will be considered a kind of “affective consumption”. Affective consumption enables the exploration of tissue boundary between fantasy and reality, between the real and imagined, between objective and subjective. In affective consumption, we confirm our emotion and affect, but we also unleash it. In addition, during the process of affective consumption, the concept of affect stocks, affect flows and profit and loss are becoming more and more obvious. It means that affect starts to have an economic value, and operated like other capital such as economic capital, social capital, culture capital and symbolic capital. This research defines such kind of capital as “Affect Capital”. 表 ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807 |