台灣非營利組織蓬勃發展之後,有些非營利組織開始走向社會企業化的現象,本研究欲探討非營利組織社會企業化後,基金會如何應用社會企業化的觀念,強化其經營策略與運作型態,藉以有效的實踐其公益使命。此外,本研究特別採取Alter(2006)的社會企業模式,做為德菲問卷設計的理論基礎,並以企業型基金會的社會企業相關方案作為案例(例如:富邦慈善基金會的用愛心做朋友助學方案),加上採用質化研究的深度訪談方法,針對立意抽樣八個國內企業型基金會,在社會企業化經營模式進行析探,以瞭解其社會企業實際運作狀況,且配合非營利組織社會企業化相關理論,歸納非營利組織社會企業運作模式與策略,以提升其公益使命的落實和社會影響力。 ; After the booming of the nonprofit organizations in Taiwan, some foundations start to adapt social enterprise. Therefore, The research would also discuss how the foundations adapt the social enterprise approach to reinforce their management strategy and operation model and efficiently put the public mission into practice. Above all, The study used to Alter(2006) social enterprise model that are design for questionnaires of Delphi methods. Basing on the qualitative method, the research has done in-depth analysis on the eight of corporate foundations that are practicing social enterprise approach in Taiwan. The Case studies has been done on some foundations, such as project of Fubon Charity Foundation, to realize how the social enterprise approach actually works in the foundation management. The research would also analyze and discuss the management strategy of these nonprofit organizations accommodating other correlative theories of social enterprise approach. The result of the research could either to promote public interest mission or achieve of social influences. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807