「環境建制」已逐漸成為國際關係的重要研究課題。國際環境問題,如:氣候變遷、全球暖化等,因其跨越國界的特性,必須透過國際環境合作,訂定國際環境條約來因應。本研究為『全球氣候治理:氣候變遷政策制度面向研究』整合計畫及此整合計畫項下之子計畫--國際制度連結。以國際政經的角度,從知識、治理、跨國網絡三個向度探討全球與在地環境體制的連結。總計畫今年的研究特色在於「後京都情境之政策分析」。研究議程上,本子計畫以「地球系統治理」(ESG)作為合作對象與夥伴。研究核心以氣域、氣候建制、後京都情境作為能源政策之特定範疇,並提出政策建議供政府相關單位參考。 ; Since the early 1990s, we have witnessed the growth of a body of knowledge on international environmental regimes. More specifically, in the field of climate regime, climate science plays an increasingly important role in formulating the Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) and the Kyoto Protocol (1997). As the Kyoto Protocol enters into force in February 2005 and evolves into its Post-Kyoto norms at COP 15 in December 2009; it is critical and monumentally challenging to transform these agreements into effective climate change institutions. Given Taiwan’s unique international status, this study takes an IPE (international political economy) and policy networks approach in discussing climate regime as interplay of knowledge, governance and transnational networks. It aims to be corresponding to the Earth System Governance (ESG) research agenda through COMPON project, focused on institutional interplay, adaptive capacity-building, policy networks and scenario assessment. Additionally, this research examines Taiwan’s energy policy framework; explores the institutional issues related to the management of climate regime, and suggests a set of policy recommendations within the context of the Kyoto and post-Kyoto scenarios. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907