摘要: | 本研究製造一光學感測頭:利用雷射打在待測點上,並以MATLAB軟體計算影像感測器紀錄的光點的質心變化,由系統中三角關係可求出脈搏振幅變化的大小,最後運用FFT(Fast Fourier Transfer 快速傅立葉轉換)求出脈搏波的頻率,此一系統結構簡單且精確(精確度可達10μm)。本計劃最後之成果為製造一雷射三角感測頭其不同之處再於設計一個輕薄短小之雷射三角感測頭. ; This research is going to product a Optical pulse diagonestic sensor head : By taking advantage of laser spot on the test point.and calculating the light spot center of mass by matlab and triangular formular.We can get the variation of the pulse.At last we use FFT(Fast Fourier Transfer)to get the frequence of the pulse.The structure of this system is simple and accuracy.(the degree of accuracy is 10μm).The production of this project is to make a laser triangular sensor,specially is a small,light,compact laser triangular sensor. ; 研究期間 9701 ~ 9706 |