在高齡化社會來臨,健康管理與醫療保健產業市場規模驚人成長。藉由無線傳輸及智慧型手機為基礎,結合成為掌握健康資訊的重要個人工具,著眼於醫療或保健的需求發展,各種簡易型的照護量測設備皆可由智慧型手機進行代替。因此本論文旨研究在藉助智慧型手機的運算及顯示功能,配合藍牙進行短距離無線傳輸,研製一個移動式即時且連續紀錄的生理信號顯示系統。此顯示裝置可分為傳送端與接收端兩個部份,傳送端電路主要由dsPIC微處理器控制取得生理訊號,並透過藍芽模組將訊號發送出去,而接收端主要由Android系統的智慧型手機將藍芽所收到的資料濾波、儲存並顯示。With the coming of aging society the market scale of health management and medical care industry is growing rapidly. To achieve ubiquitous monitoring of personal health condition, smartphone has been chosen to combine with Bluetooth wireless transmission to form a personal health management terminal. The main purpose of this thesis is to study a smartphone-based wireless electrophysiological displaying system. The system establishes a short-range wireless communication channel between sensor system and Smartphone via Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth technique provides an easy way to connect and exchange information between displaying devices. The analog physiological signals are first digitized by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on a dsPIC microprocessor. The digitized signals are then subsequently transmitted from Bluetooth client-side (sensor system) to Bluetooth server-side (Android Smartphone). The Android Smartphone filters the received data to sharpen the physiological signal features, stores the filtered data and displays signals on its monitor.