本論文以粒子群最佳化演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,以下簡稱PSO)為基礎,研究如何透過PSO來有效率的搜尋且有系統地求解「旅行推銷員問題(Traveling Salesman Problem,以下簡稱TSP)」,以獲得最佳解(optimal solution),完成最短路徑規劃結果。藉由MATLAB軟體模擬,探討在給定目標點情況下,透過PSO運算結果,完成TSP路徑規劃。本論文的研究成果,可以對補給運輸提供良好的路徑規劃,提高運輸配送效率,有效的節省支出成本。This thesis intends to find the optimal solution for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO).The processing of PSO was achieved using MATLAB on a personal computer, and the calculated solutions were treated as optimized route planning for further applications. The study results of this thesis have proved the PSO can increase transportation efficiency by optimizing the route planning which might be a potential approach to save transportation cost expense in future applications.