摘要: | 近年來,台灣女性死於乳癌人數逐年攀升,若能早期發現乳癌並早期治療,對於患者而言,將能提高生命延續之保障。當乳房部份組織發生病變時,導致細胞不規則的分裂、繁殖進而形成腫瘤;在診斷上,自九0年代開始發展的近紅外光擴散光學斷層 (near-infrared diffuse optical tomography, NIR-DOT) 造影技術,乃利用正常組織及腫瘤組織吸收及散射係數的差異,用以判斷組織病變程度。本研究使用雙積分球系統搭配逆疊加演算法,量測並計算樣本的吸收及傳播散射係數。首先,藉由量測標準光學假體,作為系統校正之依據,確認其穩定性及量測準確性;接著,以調製乳房假體配方,設計各類與乳房組織光學特性相近之假體,以協助驗證NIR-DOT造影系統之效能;最後,本論文研究與署立桃園醫院合作,量測乳房組織切片樣本光學係數並輔以病理切片分析結果,期望逐步建立乳房組織光學係數資料庫。由實驗結果可知,正常乳房組織之傳播散射係數約為吸收係數的165倍;癌變組織相對於正常組織而言,吸收係數對比度約為2-4倍,傳播散射係數對比度約為0.6-0.85倍。因此,藉由生理組織之光學特性差異,可作為判斷組織病變的重要依據。The death rate due to breast cancer among Taiwanese women has been rising steadily in recent years. If breast cancer can be diagnosed and treated properly at an early stage, for patients, it means lower survival period and less rate can be achieved. When breast tissue experiences pathological changes, it results in the cells to split abnormally, proliferate and form as tumor(s). The absorption and scattering of cancerous tissue can be used to distinguish from normal tissue.This study employs a double-integrating-sphere system with the computation of inverse adding-doubling method, to estimate a sample's absorption and reduced scattering coefficients. First, the measurement standard optical phantom is used as the basis of calibration for the system, thus to confirm the stability and the assessed accuracy. Then, find and concoct a formula for the breast phantom, designing various kinds of breast-like phantom to simulate the optical properties of breast, to assist in verifying the efficiency of near infrared diffuse optical tomography. Last, this research is being conducted in collaboration with the Taoyuan General Hospital, to asses and analyse the microscopic examination of the affected tissue around the breast together with the optical coefficients. Thus, gradually establishing an archive for optical coefficients of the breast tissue.From the test results, the reduced scattering coefficient shows 165 times as high as the absorption coefficient of the normal breast tissue; when comparing cancerous tissue to normal tissue, the absorption coefficient ratio is roughly 2 to 4 times. The contrast of absorption coefficient is 0.6-0.85. Thus, by using the optical coefficients of tissue can be regarded as an important index for determining pathological changes for the tissue. |