在夏季的颱風及午後熱對流、秋季的共伴環流和冬季的東北季風影響下,宜蘭地區常降下驚人的雨量,造成宜蘭地區多處地方淹水、有土石流發生,鐵、公路交通受損,影響甚巨。但蘭陽溪流域因地形的阻擋及雨量站密度不足,導致雷達觀測及估計降雨的困難、區域雨量估計與雨量站實際觀測有相當大的差異,無法提供精確的高時空解析度雨量資料,作為防洪決策程序的參考。因此本年計畫將針對蘭陽溪流域及蘭陽平原南側山區,以移動式偏極化/都卜勒雷達TEAM-R(3公分)與氣象局五分山、花蓮雷達(10公分)進行聯合加強觀測,提升此區定量降水估計能力。持續測試調整非降水信號的品質管理方法,改善降水估計精確度。本計畫目的為評估蘭陽溪流及蘭陽平原南側山區豪大雨高潛勢地區,於增加精密降雨雷達後所能增加的觀測效益。 ; Heavy rainfall events often occur in the Yilan county during typhoon season and autumn. The unique topography of Yilan and the coupled wind circulation between the northeast monsoon and the outer circulation of typhoon from Oct. to Nov. often induced torrential rainfall in this region. The existing CWB Doppler radar and rain gauge network doesn’t cover this region well because of terrain blockage. Insufficient or contaminated radar observations lead to difficulties in rainfall estimation, and insufficient rain gauge observations result in considerable difference between regional rainfall estimation and the actual amount of the rainfall accumulation. Therefore, this project plans to deploy the mobile dual-polarization Doppler radar, TEAM-R to the coast of Yilan county for synchronized observations with CWB Wufensan Doppler Radar. The goal is to enhance the ability of quantitative precipitation estimation in this region. The strategy of terrain echo distinguishment will be tuned to optimize terrain echo removal. Additional jobs include upgrading the radar data quality, improving the accuracy of rainfall estimation and calibration with in situ rainfall measurements. In general, this project aims at the benefit assessment of the weather radar observations in the Yilan county. ; 研究期間 10203 ~ 10212