摘要: | 基於區域性與跨洲際大氣污染(包含酸性污染物、亞洲沙塵、生質燃燒、大氣汞等)傳送問題之釐清,以及我國背景大氣基線資料之建立,環保署於中部鹿林山建構具國際水準之空氣品質背景測站,於2006年4月13日正式啟用。本計畫整合降水化學、微量氣體、大氣氣膠、大氣汞、大氣輻射等主要領域專長研究人員進行鹿林山背景站測相關儀器功能測試、維護、數據資料分析,建立長期資料庫。 持續推動我國與美國環保署、太空總署、海洋大氣總署、日本及歐盟國家合作,進行技術交流與資料交換。積極參與國際合作,例如聯合國大氣褐雲國際觀測實驗(ABC)、美國太空總署亞洲生質燃燒國際觀測實驗(BASE-Asia)、七海計畫(7SEAS),以及與日本富士山監測站區域合作等,進行實質監測、資料交換、技術交流、參與會議,並爭取會議主辦權。鹿林山背景站目前已是全球觀測網的一員,例如美國大氣汞監測網AMNET、NASA/AERONET、NASA/MPLNET和 NOAA/GMD/CCGG監測網。更多資訊可參考鹿林山大氣背景站中英文網頁。 ; In order to clarify the intercontinental and regional transport (for instance, acid pollutants, Asian dust, biomass burning and mercury), and to collect the atmospheric baseline data, the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS, 2862 m MSL), located at Mt. Lulin in central Taiwan, has been operated since 13 April 2006. This project integrates the researchers in the fields of precipitation chemistry, gas chemistry, aerosol chemistry, atmospheric mercury and radiation to test and maintain the instruments, conduct data analysis and construct long-term database. In addition, we have established intensive international collaborations with USEPA, NOAA, NASA, Japan, and EU countries. We have also participated international experiments or campaigns including UNEP/ABC/EAREX, 7-SEAS, BASE-Asia, and Japan Mt. Fuji Project. The LABS is now part of global networks, for instance, American Mercury network/AMNET, NASA/AERONET, NASA/ MPLNET, NOAA/GMD/CCGG sampling network. The information about LABS can be found at the web site, http://lulin.tw. ; 研究期間 10201 ~ 10212 |