摘要: | 為配合工程會工程材料單價與進行焚化爐底碴經濟性評估,本論文針對資源處理廠中焚化爐底碴,進行基本性質試驗。首先,以動態溶出試驗評估對環境影響。而後針對焚化爐底碴應用於透水混凝土的工程性質進行成效分析,以探討其應用之均勻性與穩定性。 根據研究結果,焚化爐底碴所拌製的透水混凝土,其抗壓強度為2.3~4.67Mpa,已達『施工綱要規範第02794章─透水混凝土』規範標準。此外,動態溶出試驗中發現,各種重金屬溶出物也已非常微量甚至無法偵測。 研究也發現,透過水洗、篩分,可使底碴資源化後展現均勻性與穩定性。磨損率較高的底碴,也建議以摻配方式以進行再利用。而依照現今材料單價計算後發現,焚化爐底碴應用於透水混凝土的成本為633.5~763.6元,相較於一般天然粒料1247.1元只有一半價格。以上證明,底碴於工程應用上是一種可靠且具有價格競爭力的素材。 期許本研究有助於『施工綱要規範第03341章』更臻完備,以方便業界使用與參考。 Corresponding with referenced price in the Public Construction Commission in order to conduct economic feasibility test, this studies focuses on the analysis of basic properties of incinerator bottom ash. We firstly conducted dynamic leaching test to assess the environmental impact, and this is followed by permeable concrete analysis of bottom ash, exploring its uniformity and stability. The results revealed that the permeable concrete made with incinerator bottom ash demonstrated compressive strength of 2.3 ~ 4.67Mpa, meeting the standard specified in the “Chapter Outline Section 02794 Permeable Concrete”. Furthermore, there were little or no heavy metals found in the dynamic leaching test. The studies also manifested, by the process of washing and screening, incinerator bottom ash showed a vast amount of homogeneity and stability after properly reprocessed. In terms of higher wear rate of incinerator bottom ash, it is suggested to adopt blending methodology for the purpose of reuse. According to the current market price, the cost of processing incinerator bottom ash into permeable concrete is NTD 633.5 ~ 763.6, compared to non-processed aggregate with a price approximately NTD 1,247.1. These analyses indicated incinerator bottom ash is a safe and cost-effective material in engineer applications. Finally, this studies aims to provide constructive recommendation to “Chapter Outline Section 03341”, assisting incinerator bottom ash in having a more extensive adoption in practice. |