本論文提出以矽基光學平台(Silicon Optical Bench, SiOB ) 為核心技術,發展出可傳輸達 150公尺且低功耗(< 250 mW)之高清晰度多媒體介面(High Definition Multimedia Interface,HDMI)的主動式混成光電纜線。研究成果相較於一般採用銅線傳輸的被動式纜線,其優勢在於具有極大頻寬達到10.2Gps、較低高速信號衰減量(0.03dB/m)和易達成長距離傳輸。 此主動式混成光電纜線包含單向4通道高速傳輸之光發射及光接收模組和雙向六通道之低速銅線訊號線。其總傳輸影像頻寬可達 10.2 Gbps, 並可以支援和符合目前商用HDMI 1.4a 規格,包含三維顯示(3-D display)和 4K2K高解析度顯示等技術。 In this thesis, the core technology of silicon optical bench (SiOB) is utilized to develop an active hybrid high definition multimedia interface cable (Hybrid HDMI cable). The transmission capability of hybrid HDMI cable can achieve 150 meters with low power consumption as low as 250 mW. The results compared with normal HDMI cable that use copper wires, hybrid HDMI cable has a lot of advantages as larger bandwidth of 10.2 Gbps, less high-speed signal loss of 0.03dB/m, and long distance transmission. The active hybrid HDMI cable includes optical transmitter and receiver module with four optical channels for unidirectional high-speed signal transmission and six copper wires for low-speed signal transmission. The video bandwidth of this hybrid cable can achieve as 10.2 Gbps, and support and satisfy the commercial specification, HDMI version 1.4a, like three-dimension display (3-D display), 4K2K high-precision display, etc.