探空火箭八號發射於西元2013年六月五日,火箭搭載著本篇論文所研發的回收艙進行科學酬載實驗,科學實驗結束後,回收艙落入海面,團隊人員對回收艙進行回收。本文研發回收艙無線通訊及回收系統以達成上述任務。回收艙使用UHF 433MHz作為主要通訊頻率,負責命令及資料回報,並以S-Band 2.4GHz訊號做為雷達追蹤及高速事件數據之傳送頻率,並搭載 GPS 1.575GHz接收模組以定位酬載本身。本文又設計全火箭全流程之火箭內通訊測試、窗口天線與氣柱天線通訊距離之野外實測及回收艙GPS定位實驗,以此證明此系統能夠符合探空八號任務需求。 Sounding Rocket NO.8 (SRV8) was launched on June 5, 2013, the rocket carried the reentry capsule to carry out ColdGas thrust experiment in flight. After the experiment, the reentry capsule dropped into the ocean for recovery. The wireless communication and recovery beacon system for the reentry capsule was developed. The primary communication frequency for command and data exchange is UHF 433MHz, while S-Band 2.4GHz is for radar tracking and burst mode data downlink. Moreover, there is a 1.575GHz GPS receiver inside for positioning. The functionality of the system is certified worthy for flight through the test of in-rocket wireless communication through the full flight scenarios, the test of communication distance of side window antenna and open cap airbag antenna after parachute deployment, and the test of GPS positioning.