本論文研究開發一套主控電腦系統以便執行探空八號火箭的回收艙任務。為了驗證其效能,進行多項環境及功能相關測試。 本主控電腦系統下轄電源管理模組、火工模組及以下幾項次系統:地球磁場感測次系統、加速度與旋轉速度感測次系統、無線電次系統、冷流噴射控制次系統及GPS定位次系統。期望能藉由各系統的功能互動完成回收及噴射減滾實驗。 為了確保資料的正確性及科學儀器酬載的穩定性,建立了系統功能驗證的程序,並加以驗證確認。 This paper is aiming at a main control system to complete Sound Rocket Ver. 8 re-entry capsule mission. To verify the function, process kinds of environment and function test. The main control system governs a power management module, a pyrotechnic module, and the following subsystems: Magnetic field sensor subsystem, Gravity and Gyro sensor subsystem, Radio subsystem, Cold Gas Propulsion Control subsystem, and GPS subsystem. With the proper working of the above systems, it is excepted to complete the recovery capsule mission and cold gas de-spin experiment. To make sure the data correctness and stability of payload, build a system function verification procedure was built, and to verify and validate the data.