摘要: | 中文摘要 「官路缺」位於桃園縣八德市霄裡里,當地居民語言使用以閩南話為主、間有詔安、四縣、饒平客話。袁姓家族的原鄉來自廣東上饒嶺腳,發音人們多次回到原鄉探訪,彼此仍能以慣用的饒平客話對談無虞;在官路缺,年輕一輩的饒平客受到語言接觸的影響,對饒平客話的音韻、詞彙已無從掌握。本文研究目的在於透過對官路缺袁姓饒平客家話的語音系統及語音演變現象的研究,能讓瀕臨消失的客語次方言─饒平客家話得以保留與延續。 本文共分六章。第一章緒論,說明研究動機及目的、研究區域與對象、研究方法以及文獻探討。第二章透過語料的整理分析,描述官路缺袁姓饒平客家話的平面語音系統。第三章將官路缺袁姓饒平客家話與中古音做歷時的比較。第四章分析官路缺袁姓饒平客家話的語音特點。第五章將官路缺饒平客家話與其他饒平客家話的音韻現象與詞彙使用做共時比較,分析其共同性與差異性。第六章為結論。 研究成果顯示:官路缺饒平客家話在語音的演變上有早期現象,也有演變較快的現象;官路缺饒平客家話在詞彙使用上和其他饒平客家話有共同性,也有差異性。官路缺饒平客家話的聲母特點有:(1)知三、章組字舌葉音聲母後,出現偏向接-元音;(2)曉影章組字聲母有豐富的f- 和v-;(3)匣母字聲母有讀k-、k-及。韻母特點有:(1)遇攝合口三等莊組字有兩讀:-o和-;(2)有蟹二讀如蟹四、蟹四讀如蟹一的的現象;(3)止深臻曾攝三等及梗攝二三等以-i為主要元音者,於知章組聲母後皆前化為-;(4)果攝一等與效攝一二等韻母形式屬肴豪有別、歌豪不分類型;(5)止流深曾等攝開口三等莊組字,出現-e元音;(6)山攝合口三四等部分影喻非組字保留合口音,讀-聲母;(7)臻攝開口一三等有字出現合口形式的韻母,讀-un或-iun;(8)宕江梗通四攝,有部分陰入字的k韻尾消失,演變為喉塞音-。聲調特點:(1)官路缺饒平客家話有七個聲調(含超陰入);(2)陰去陰上合流,陽去多保留為去聲;(3)全濁上主要歸上,部分歸陰平與去聲(4)古清入多數歸陰入,部分歸超陰入。關鍵字: 官路缺 饒平 方言比較 語音 超陰入 Abstract “Guan Lu Que” is located in Xiao Li Vil., Bade City, Taoyuan County. The local speak mainly Min Nan, and sometimes Zhaoan, Sixian, or Raoping Hakka. The ancestors of Yuan originally hailed from Shangrao Lingjiao in Guangdong. During their many trips back to the ancestor’s homeland, people can still communicate using the Raoping Hakka they are used to. The younger generation in Guan Lu Que, being affected by other languages they are exposed to, could no longer master the phonics and vocabularies of Raoping Hakka. The goal of this study is to preserve and pass on the disappearing subdialect of Hakka, the Raoping accent, through the research of its speech sounds and evolution in the language, used by the Yuan family at Guan Lu Que. This study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, where it explains the motive, goal, area, subject, and research methods. Literature review is also included in this chapter. The second chapter outlines the flat pronunciation system of Raoping Hakka, spoken by the Yuan family at Guan Lu Que. The third chapter does a diachronic comparison between middle Chinese and the Raoping Hakka spoken by the Yuan family at Guan Lu Que. The fourth chapter analyzes the language’s phonetic features. The fifth chapter does a synchronic comparison between such language and other Raoping Hakka dialects, finding out the differences and similarities of the phonics and vocabulary. The sixth chapter outlines the conclusion. The research results show that the phonetic evolution of Raoping Hakka, spoken by the Yuan family at Guan Lu Que has a faster pace. There are similarities as well as differences between the Guan Lu Que Raoping Hakka and other Raoping Hakka dialects. The vowels of Guan Lu Que Raoping Hakka have the following features: (1) the third level of the Zhi group and Zhang group pronounce sounds by the palatal of tongue, the vowels after these groups have the pronunciation sounding like - (2) the xiao, ying and zhang initial groups pronounce with the sound “f- and v-“ (3) words from jia, mu initial groups pronounce with the sound “k-, k- and “. The features of finals: (1) words from the third level of Yu-classifier of Zhuang group, with both upper and lower lip to close inwardly, make pronunciation as -o and - (2) Xie in division II and division IV has the same pronunciation, whereas Xie in division IV and division I also sounds the same (3) words from the third level of Zhi, Shen, Zhen, and Ceng-classifier and the second and third level of Geng-classifier make the pronunciation as “-i”, and pronounces as “-” after the Zhi and Zhang group (4) the first level of Guo-classifier and the first and the second level of Xiao-classifier belongs to Yao Hao You (5) words from the third level of Zhi, Liu, Shen, and Ceng-classifier and Zhuang group with mouth open, pronounces as “-e” (6) the Ying, Yu, Fei group in the third and fourth level of Shan-classifier closing mouth retain the closing mouth sound, to make the pronunciation of “-” (7) the finals in the first and third level of Zhen-classifier opening mouth with the form of closing mouth sounds pronounce as “-un” or “-iun” (8) some words from Dang, Jiang, Geng, Tong classifiers with a low pitched checked tone ends with k, a voiceless stop that has no audible release, which has become a glottal “-”stop. The tones: (1) Guan Lu Que Raoping Hakka has seven tones (including hyper-upper abrupt tone) (2) upper going and upper rising tones are combined together nowadays, while light departing now pronounces as departing tone (3) voiced obstruent tone is mainly classified as the rising tone, some are dark level and some are departing tone (4) Ru-sheng with voiceless initial is classified as dark entering, but some as hyper-upper abrupt tone.Keywords: Guan Lu Que, Raoping, dialect comparison, phonics, hyper-upper abrupt tone |