本研究旨在探討桃園縣客語薪傳師協會與桃園縣客家事務局公私協力之現況。以公私協力為基礎,將問卷分成基本資料、參與動機、協會與政府協力之現況三部分,進行調查及分析。對120位會員發出102份問卷,有效問卷為80份,有效回收率為78.43%。 本研究方法主要以問卷調查法、深度訪談法為主,文獻探討法為輔。問卷調查法的研究工具為「桃園縣客語薪傳師協會與政府協力推動客家文化研究問卷」,應用SPSS 19 版統計套裝軟體進行分析。深度訪談法,以公私部門重要關係人為深度訪問對象,應用MAXQDA 11(state-of-the-art)軟體作為文本分析工具,根據開放性編碼的操作程序檢視訪談內容,綜合資料所整理之編碼結果,進一步資料比對分析,作為關係人政策對話結果之依據。本研究之結論歸納如下:一、會員學歷高,客語教學薪資低。二、會員參與積極是因政府支持推廣客家文化進而認同協會。三、客語薪傳師協會與客家事務局是夥伴關係。四、公私協力後會員互動更為密切。五、公私協力推動客家文化的成效顯著。六、公私部門協力推動客家文化整體表現滿意度高。 The research aimed to investigate the current cooperation model between Taoyuan Hakka Heritage Association and Taoyuan County Hakka Affairs Bureau by interviewing the target candidates with questionnaires, which was designed for professional investigation and analysis based on the public-private partnership. The questionnaire was composed of three types of information, the background information of the survey candidates, the motive to join the surveying, and the current cooperation status between the association and the Government. With effective return rate of 78.43%, there were 80 valid questionnaires from 102 copies of questionnaires dispatched to 120 members of the association. In addition, in-depth interviews were also taken with the key party related to the public-private partnership. MAXQDA11 qualitative data analysis software was adopted as a tool for text analysis and then it generalized the coded survey results. The results are shown as below: (1) The tutoring fee paid is too low to meet the quality of the Hakka Heritage Association members who is comparatively senior in education background. (2) Because of the supports from the Government, the goal of the association is so positively identified as to strengthen the enthusiasm of the members toward participation. (3) The partnership model between Hakka Heritage Association and the Hakka Affairs Bureau intensifies the interactions among association members. (4) The achievements are proven to be remarkable in promoting Hakka culture with public-private partnership. (5) The overall performance in promoting Hakka culture is highly satisfying due to the public-private partnership.