摘要: | 摘 要 南靖客家話,在台灣已完全消失,是故,欲蒐集南靖客家話,現今只有回原鄉(福建省漳州市南靖縣)一途。再者,南靖與地?閩西的永定接壤,從方言地理來觀察,南靖與永定客家話有許多相同或相似之處,致使南靖客家話兼具閩西永定與閩南客家話的特色,為了釐清南靖客家話的語音特色,福建版寮話有些特殊語言現象值得引人注意,所以研究者著手調查,以提供兩岸閩南客家話的比較研究。 本文共分成六章,第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的,文獻探討及研究方法。第二章為版寮客家話的聲、韻、調語音系統。第三章描述版寮客家話和中古音的比較,分聲、韻、調做歷時縱向的探討。第四章說明版寮客家話的語音特點。第五章比較版寮和永定、梅林、平和客家話詞彙,以內部共同詞彙、內部差異詞彙作比較分析。內部差異以版寮客家話為主體,以分析版寮客家話的來源,受其他語言影響、自己演變的部分加以說明。並與廣東五雲、五華外部詞彙作分析比較。第六章結論,從前面研究結果,提出結論及建議。 本論文重點在音韻研究,對於福建版寮客家話的音韻現象,於三、四章分別以共時與歷時的角度切入討論,版寮客家話除了具備客家方言通用的特點外,有些音韻及語音特點,加以分析。針對特別語音現象(以平行關係,倆倆對比)的概念進行分析比對。 Abstract Nanjing Hakka has been disapeared completely in Taiwan. Therefore, people want to study Nanjing Hakka has to trace back to its origin, Nanjing County Zhongzhou Fujian Province. On the otherhand, Yongding, next to Nanjing, is located at the western part of Fujian and viewing by geography, Hakka in Nanjing and in Yongding is similar, which makes Nanjing Hakka also contains several similar features as Yongding Hakka and Taiwanese. To clarrify the pronounciation features of Nanjing Hakka, we found out that there are few special phenomenon of Fujian BanLiao language, which are appealing. Research related to the issue has then begun for the purpose of comparing Hakka and Taiwanese in both Taiwan and Mainland China. Six chapters are included in the study. Chapter 1 is the introduction presenting the motives and the purpose of this study, reference discussion and research methods. Chapter 2 illustrates the sound, syllables and tone of BanLiao Hakka. Chapter 3 makes a comparison between BanLiao Hakka and the ancient Chinese sounds, discussing by the sound, syllables and tone respectively. Chapter 4 presents the pronounciation features of BanLiao Hakka. Chapter 5 compares the vocabulary of BanLiao, Yongding, Meilin and Pinghe including analyzing the difference between the internal mutual vocabulary and the internal different vocabulary. BanLiao Hakka is the main subject for discussion of the internal different vocabulary. Besides, we’ll explain more about its source, being influenced by other languages, and its evolution. We also include the comparison of vocabulary in Guangdong Wuyun and Wuhau. At last, Chapter 6 proposes the conclusion and suggestions based on the research result. The purpose of this study is the syllable research, discussing the subject about the syllable phenomenon of BanLiao Hakka in chapter 3 and chapter 4 by analyzing both their own history and the overlapping period. BanLiao Hakka is not only possessed with the commen features of Hakka dialect but developed its own syllables and pronunciation. The pronunciation phenomenon is the focus of the study (equal relation and one by one comparison at a time) , and an analysis and comparison was performed accordingly. |