本文的主要目的在建立癲癇檢查中常使用到的腦皮質電訊號 (Electrocorticogram,ECoG)資料庫以及專用的網站,並提供臨床上的數據以供相關的研究人員參考以及討論。首先參考了資料庫的各種架構,如階層式、網狀式、關聯式、物件導向式,經過比較採用了關聯式的架構來建置資料庫,在開發上和維修上都較符合這次的需求。接著評估網站開發的系統與開發軟體,以及資料庫的架設軟體。 在實作上使用Microsoft的Access和SQL Server來建置這次的資料庫。Access 資料庫主要用來存放病患的基本資料以及治療過程中的相關醫療資訊。SQL server則是用來存放ECoG數據的資料庫。則選擇了ASP.NET 4.0來做為這次的系統,開發工具則選擇Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express 來開發。網站功能的開發可以連結資料庫並進行新增和維護。最重要的讓系統維護者或是被授權的使用者可以將ECoG的資料載入資料庫並透過網站分享給其他研究者。 The main goal of this research was to establish a website-based electrocorticogram(ECoG)-database.This database will provide clinical signal to investigators interested in studying brain signals. Different database models such as the hierarchical, network, relational and object-oriented models and their associated softwave tools were compared and tried. Finally, we decided to use relational model to establish our database. We used Microsoft Access 2003 and SQL server to setup the ECoG database. The Access database will store the patients' clinical information,such as medication or therapeutic response. The most important part of the database is to store the ECoG raw data that were acquired from patients. We selected the ASP.NET 4.0 and used Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express to develop the ECoG website.We hope that this ECoG database will be helpful to the users in their neuroscience researches.