Abstract: | 張慎言生於明萬曆五年(1577),卒於清順治二年(1645),為明末清初一位重要的政治人物。從其從政之經歷、三次罷官之經過,以及里居家鄉時所遭遇的種種事件,不僅可以看出明末政治與社會諸方面的縮影,更能夠對當時的時代背景更加了解。 張慎言之祖父張昇,為家族中第一位考取功名之人;張慎言的外祖父王國光,更是萬曆朝初期輔弼之重臣。兩人對張慎言的影響,可謂極為深遠。張慎言於萬曆三十八考中進士,先是擔任壽張知縣,因有能聲而調繁曹縣。於擔任曹縣知縣時,由於治行第一之功績,因而獲得拔擢為御史之獎賞,進入朝中成為言官。在言路時,張慎言無論是在監督時政、獎勵風氣的部分都頗為努力,於兼任差務方面更有精心擘劃。只是用心調和朝士的張慎言,卻因彈劾馮銓一事與其結怨,最後橫遭誣陷而充軍肅州,成了天啟朝黨爭下之犧牲品。 秉持著無入而不自得心態的張慎言,安然的度過邊疆之軍旅生活,並於崇禎朝得到平反,重入朝班。雖不久後復因讞獄一事獲譴,卻因其能力與聲望俱高,而於國用告匱時再度獲得重用。張慎言在罷官鄉居時,家鄉陽城正值盜賊之禍,其不僅悉心倡守,更以計禦敵,保全了許多鄉民。而在朝中為官時,則對振衰起敝之策屢為條陳規劃,充分顯現其於政治方面之才華與見識。 甲申之變,弘光繼立。張慎言於定策時之關鍵角色,以及其於南都秉銓時之積極任事,一度令南明中興有望。但是由於阻擋到其他人的利益,在不到一個月的時間內即被攻去職,黯然地離開政治舞台。雖然最後選擇以不用藥之方式殉國,卻未得到後世應得之評價,其一生之忠心為國可謂蒙受不小的冤屈。 Shenyen Chang, born in 1577 and died in 1645, was an important statesman in late ming and early qing dynasty. His experiences in politics, being banished from his post for three times, and all kinds of encounters while staying in his hometown were a miniature of politics and society in the late ming dynasty, through which a better understanding in the background of that age was acquired. Sheng Chang, his grandfather, was the first one who passed imperial examination for official ranks in his family his maternal grandfather, KuoKwang Wang, was a crucial government offical in early Wuang-Lee period of ming dynasty. These two men had profound influences on Shenyen Chang. Shenyen Chang passed imperial examination and became Jingshi in 1610. He was appointed first as the governor of ShoChang County and then Chiao County, due to his prominent abilities. Under his governance, Chiao County had performed so well that Chang himself was promoted as minister in the imperial government. While in charge, Chang endearvored for supervising and rewarding system as well as concurrent tasks system. With all his efforts for the government, Chang turned out being framed up and banished to SuZoe due to impeaching and incurring enmity with Chan Fong. He became the sacrifice under political conflicts. With an positive attitude of adapting to any environment, Chang survived his troops life in the frontier and returned to the imperial government after getting redressed later in Chongchen dynasty. Despite being dismissed before long owing to a lawsuit, his ability and reputation went even higher and was put in an important position when the country was in need. At the time when Chang was banished to his hometown, robberies ran wild. So he had devoted himself to eliminate the situation and thus protected welfare of common people. Chang often revealed his talent and wisdom in politics when he was positioned an official in the royal government. HongKwang succeeded to the throne after Jiashen event. Chang had made a significant contribution to stablize the new political situation with his critical policies and active attitude. However, within a month, he was forced to leave the political stage because of blocking others’ benefits. Chang chose to die for the country by rejecting taking medicine yet, he hadn’t received reputation he deserved in later generations. For a man of such royalty and responsibilty, he had suffered injustice that was asymmetrical to him. |