1991年後臺灣漸漸下中國的投資限制放寬,國內製造業、服務業紛紛到中國發展,造成臺灣產業不斷向中國外移,國內金融機構在現有資金泛濫下,面臨資金貸放無門的窘境,臺灣金融業積極的爭取政府能開放金融機構赴中國就近服務台商,也期望中國龐大的人口商機帶來經營上的利益。由於中國投資環境與中國政府態度存在極大的不確定性,因此,台灣政府必需審慎評估開放銀行業赴中國投資的政策效果。 臺灣銀行業相較其他外資銀行機構進入中國市場較晚,應審慎評估未來中國整體經濟發展的趨勢及其經濟政策的風險 此時臺灣銀行機構再進入原本就競爭激烈中國市場,己不像過去能獲取較高的利潤與報酬 所以臺灣銀行業(1)應更積極培訓佈局國際金融業務之人才,配合政府與各國所簽訂的FTA,與各國建立交流實習的機制,來因應全球廣大市場的人才需求。(2)台灣銀行業可藉由透過與其他外資銀行的合作,來推動金融商品的創新與研發,開創銀行業新的一片藍海。 Since 1991, Taiwan began allowing investments into China. While more Taiwanese companies move into China, the consumers, small business enterprises, of local financial institutions also sharply decrease. In order to regain its customer base, Taiwan banking lobbies on the permission to invest toward China. Taiwan government shall pay more attentions on this opening policy due to the uncertainty of investment environment in China and of China government’s attitude. Comparing to the foreign banking, Taiwan’s banking is the follower in Chinese market. Therefore, we need to carefully evaluate the trend of macroeconomics and the political risk in China. Because the financial market in China is very competitive, Taiwan banking cannot enjoy higher profit in China. Due to the above reasons, Taiwan banking must develop international financial talent, cooperate with FTAs between Taiwan and other countries, and establish cross-border internship programs, nurturing talent that can satisfy the needs of the international market. Secondly, Taiwan banking shall cooperate with foreign financial institutions to creating new opportunities for the entire industry by innovating and developing new financial products.