第一部份 針對環境荷爾蒙烷基酚聚乙氧基酸類的化合物,常存在台灣河流的污染,且嚴重危害到環境生態及人體健康的問題。因此利用一有效且簡潔的方法來合成此類化合物。並期望透過分析來了解此類環境荷爾蒙的各種性質,進一步的來維護環境及我們的健康。 第二部分 許多疾病被研究證實與蛋白質酪胺酸磷酸?(PTP)在人體的作用機制失調有關,例如典型的例子便是第二型糖尿病。 內脂環類化合物與PTP作用機制相關聯且許多文獻指出具有其藥理性質,因此我們開發固相合成方法來快速合成內脂環的相關衍生物,來模擬PTP在生物體中扮演的角色,期望能發展出新藥。 Chapter 1 Carboxy-nonylphenol polyethoxy carboxylates (CNPECs) are major classes of the organic pollutants in the rivers in Taiwan. Environmental hormones(CNPECs) have potential to significantly endanger ecology and human health. Here, we have supplied an effective synthesis method for CNPECs derivatives, and these Environmental hormones will be analyzed by GC/MS. Chapter 2 There is evidence that type II diabetes has a connection with insulin resistance. Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) attenuates insulin signal transduction by catalyzing the dephosphorylation of the insulin receptors and is thus a vital target of potential drugs for treatment of type II diabetes. A peptidomimetic sequence targeting at the binding site on PTP combined with a inhibition function is the central concept of our design of potential PTP inhibitors. A mini library of 5,6-Dihydro-pyran-2-ones was synthesized by a highly efficient scheme which is applicable both in solution-phase synthesis and solid-phase combinatorial synthesis.