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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/61739

    Title: 關鍵基礎設施相依性決策方法與分析;Critical Infrastructure Interdependency: Analysis and Strategic Decision Making
    Authors: 曾思敏;Tseng,Ssu-Min
    Contributors: 土木工程學系
    Keywords: 關鍵基礎設施相依性;投入產出模型;決策輔助;資料探勘;災害防救;Critical infrastructure interdependency;Decision making;Disaster mitigation;Data mining;Input-output model
    Date: 2013-09-16
    Issue Date: 2013-11-27 11:21:16 (UTC+8)
    Publisher: 國立中央大學
    Abstract: 關鍵基礎設施(Critical Infrastructure, CI)為國家重要的資產,用以連續地產生或輸送重要貨物或服務,例如公路與鐵路、高速鐵路與捷運設施、機場與港口、通訊設施、輸電與配電設施、發電廠、儲油槽與輸油管線、供水淨水設施、衛生下水道、醫療設施、銀行與財政服務設施等。一般來說,一關鍵基礎設施在正常運轉的過程中,需要依靠其他關鍵基礎設施提供功能或服務,方能持續運轉下去,此一關係稱作關鍵基礎設施相依性(Critical Infrastructure Interdependency, CII),已被證明為許多設施損毀的問題來源,當災害發生時常產生連鎖反應,使得防救災決策官員措手不及,無法有效保護所謂的關鍵基礎設施,國家安全將遭受更大的危機。
    自美國911事件之後,關鍵基礎設施學界開始關心與研究此議題,如Dr. Haimes等人,提出以1973年諾貝爾經濟獎得主Dr. Wassily Leontief之投入產出模型為基礎的模型,稱作設施輸出入停轉模型(Input-output Inoperability Model, IIM),用以表達與模擬CII。其他學者如Rinaldi等人,則嘗試將關鍵基礎設施視作複雜的、會適應的系統。本研究則從發展防救災所需的決策流程出發,改良IIM法與時間序列關聯資料探勘法(Generalized Sequential Patterns, GSP),嘗試以IIM尋找某區域內關鍵基礎設施之受攻擊影響最大設施、從整體系統來看之最值得保護設施,與受損時影響最大的設施,並進而對此類設施以GSP法分析在災害演進過程當中,可設置阻斷連鎖反應之防火牆為何等。本研究最後以竹科某晶圓廠區,與台電北區電力系統網路為例,收集與分析關鍵基礎設施相依性,對關鍵基礎設施在災害發生之前與過程中,提供有效的防護策略與應變措施。
    The research discusses applying the inoperability input-output model (IIM) to analysis of critical infrastructure interdependency. The IIM is based on Leontief's input-output model, which characterizes interdependencies among sectors in the economy. IIM can analyze initial disruptions to a set of sectors and the resulting ripple effects for modeling impacts of premeditated attacks on infrastructure interdependency. The IIM can systemically prioritize and manage the sectors deemed critical and also identify those sectors of which continued operability is critical during recovery. In addition, this research customizes the Generalized Sequential Patterns (GSP) discovery algorithm to analyze infrastructure failure records so that how a Critical Infrastructure Interdependency (CII) relationship evolves can be recognized and blocked. To prove this model, discussion of modeling the facilities in a wafer fabrication facility in the Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park, as well as the power generation and transmission facilities in Northern Taiwan areas and a disaster mitigation approach to stopping CII-related failure events is listed, followed by the analysis results and experts’ evaluations. Disaster mitigation officials can employ the proposed approach to explore CII and to design countermeasures when a disaster hits certain areas.
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering] Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

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