研究期間:10108~10207;Block-in-matrix rocks (bimrocks are defined as “a mixture of rocks, composed of geotechnically significant blocks within a bonded matrix of finer texture”. By this definition bimrocks encompass a wide range of geologic materials including melanges, fault breccia, landslide debris. Because of their heterogeneity, anisotropy and complex nature, bimrocks are difficult geotechnical material with which to deal in geotechnical engineering. The engineering properties of bimrocks are much scatter than other geometerials due to block and matrix with large spatial variability. The scope of this project is to investigate the variations/uncertainties of block proportion and mechanical properties of bimrocks. In this project, 3-D representative volume element (RVE) and PFC3D are adapted to generate the visual bimrocks. Monte Carol approach will be employed to simulate the procedures of sampling and measurement of block proportion. In addition, a series of visual triaxial tests for bimrocks will be conducted by PFC3D to evaluate the size effect on the variation of mechanical properties of bimrocks.