研究期間:10108~10207;Supernovae (SNe) have created the heavy chemical elements we now see in the Universe and their large kinetic energies mean they have been key components in the formation of galaxies. Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) is believed to arise when a very massive star dies in a highly energetic supernova producing a black hole and relativistic jet. Furthermore, GRBs are now well known as the powerful probe of the early Universe and the first star finding. However, recent discoveries of new ultra-luminous supernovae are testing our ideas of what types of stars can produce SNe/GRBs and even more fundamentally challenge the paradigm of core-collapse. We aim to reveal the GRB progenitor and conditions of GRB-SNe associations. We investigate the most different properties and the most resemble features between GRBs and SNe. First, we will perform (A) multi-frequency studies for the GRB prompt emission. Since SNe usually have no bright γ-ray or X-ray emissions, the prompt behavior is particularly different between GRB and SNe. The acceleration of the electron is directly related with how the massive star explodes. But recent detection of bright optical emission associated with γ-ray pose a challenge to the current understanding of the GRB radiation mechanism. In order to make break through, we will enhance our robotic instrument WIDGET to make multi-color simultaneous observations with γ-ray emission. This upgrade and its observations with GRB satellites allow us to constrain the synchrotronself- Compton radiation model of the prompt emission and existence of blackbody component from photosphere of progenitors. Second, we will perform (B) comparison studies on the SNe component associated with GRB. The late optical afterglows often show the bump that can be understood by the SNe component. This result is strongly suggested that GRBs link to core collapse supernova. However, the difference between them is unclear such as what are the progenitors of core-collapse SNe and GRBs and what are their explosion mechanisms and subsequent evolution? In fact, deep enough optical monitoring observations found the non-supernova associations for nearby GRB060614 and GRB060505. The key question is that what kind of SNe will make GRBs. In order to answer these questions, we will make the new core-collapse SNe template using unbiased optical imaging surveys (Pan-STARRS and SUBARU/HSC) and compare with the GRB-SNe component.