銅對於植物的生長為一必須的微量金屬元素,其對許多酵素之功能上為一無可替代的輔因子。過量銅濃度下,在生物體內會造成Fenton反應,促使活性氧化物生成,進一步對生物體造成傷害。為了避免傷害的造成,植物體中必然有解毒機制存在。直至目前為止,尚未有針對於過量銅對植物體基因表現上造成的改變之研究報告。在本論文中,使用反向相減式微陣列、中研院生農所蕃茄基因微陣列及康乃爾蕃茄基因微陣列,篩選受過量銅影響表現之基因。我們發現在過量銅處理下,共有22個無重複之基因(tentative consensus)受到抑制,而有72個基因受到誘導。在銅逆境下會誘導大部分的ROS清除者,包含glutathione S-transferase/peroxidase、ascorbate free radical reductase及cytochrome P450,顯示銅逆境與氧化性傷害具有高度之相關性。除此之外heat shock proteins也受到過量銅的誘導,象徵對銅逆境的耐受性增加。而Tonoplast instrinsic protein delta type及vacuolar H+ ATPase B subunit在銅逆境下則受到抑制,這可能表示液泡在受過量銅處理下會有所變化。 Copper is an essential micro-nutrient for normal plant growth and behaves as an un-replaceable enzyme cofactor. Copper, under excess condition in organisms, will enhance the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to Fenton reaction. These ROS will further damage the cells. To avoid this situation, there must be some detoxification mechanisms in plants. So far, the global gene research of the response to excess copper in plants hasn’t been reported. We used the reverse subtracted cDNA microarray, IBS Tomato-Array and CGEP Tom1-Array to survey genes which response to excess copper in tomato roots. We found that 22 non-redundant tentative consensus were down-regulated under copper stress, and 72 ones been up-regulated. According to the nature of these genes, we suggest that copper stress has strong correlation with oxidative stress. These up-regulation genes most are ROS scavengers, such as glutathione S-transferase/peroxidase, ascorbate free radical reductase and cytochrome P450. Moreover, some heat shock proteins were also up-regulated which implicates the elevated tolerance to copper. Tonoplast instrinsic protein delta type and vacuolar H+ ATPase B subunit were down-regulated under excess copper. This indicates the activity in vacuole could altered in response to copper stress.