近年來在中國持續推動人民幣國際化下,我國央行也積極爭取與開放各項人民幣業務,包含開放人民幣的匯兌與存款業務、進出口外匯業務及發行人民幣計價之國際債券(又稱為寶島債),此外,也開放證券投資信託事業、證券商及保險業承作人民幣計價之商品。本研究將針對債券市場探討,透過文獻分析的方式,整理我國人民幣業務的發展情形及相關規範的實施,並以香港的人民幣業務、債券發行及債券投資三方面與寶島債進行比較分析,作為我國在推動國際債券市場之參考,最後,本文也將進一步探討寶島債發展之限制及可能前景。; In recent years, while China has been continuously promoting internationalization of the RMB, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is also activelyseeking foropportunities to open a range of RMB products and services,including exchange and depositbusiness, export/import foreign exchange business, RMB bonds (Formosa Bond), and RMB based products offered by securities investment trust business and securities firm,insurance industry. The aimof this study is, first of all, to investigatebond market by analyzing related researches, Taiwan RMB service development and the implementation of associated regulations.Secondly, to compareRMB service, bond issue and bond investment in Hong Kong with Formosa Bond in Taiwan. Theresultofthis could be a reference to encourage international bond market promotion. At the end, this study furtherlooks into the limit and the possible future prospects in Formosa Bond.