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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/63674

    Title: 外人直接投資與研發活動之關聯性-台灣電子相關產業之實證研究;The Connection of FDI and R&D activity on the Taiwan’s IT Industry
    Authors: 黃心妍;Huang,Hsin-Yen
    Contributors: 產業經濟研究所碩士在職專班
    Keywords: 固定效果;外人直接投資;負二項模型;隨機效果;電子產業;FDI;negative binomial model;panel data model;Taiwan’s IT industry
    Date: 2009-04-19
    Issue Date: 2014-05-08 15:15:46 (UTC+8)
    Publisher: 國立中央大學
    Abstract: 引進外資是期待能夠帶來資金、先進技術與企業管理模式,由當地的企業組織承受延續後,提升當地經濟活動的水準,但其負面影響可能造成本國廠商過於依賴模仿學習外國的生產技術,而減低自行研發創新的意願。本文依據Grabowsksi & Baxer(1973)與Howe & Mcfetridge(1976)的理論,以廠商在追求利潤極大化的行為下,廠商最適研究發展投入量的模型架構,來分析外人直接投資的行為對於廠商研究發展活動的影響。 利用創新的投入指標(input indicators):研發支出與產出指標(output indicators): 專利數來做為研究發展活動的衡量值,因兩者為不同性質之數據,分別採用固定效果(fixed effect)、隨機效果(random effect)與負二項模型(negative binomial model)進行估計。實證研究期間與對象為2003~2007年台灣電子相關產業所包括的八個產業:半導體產業、電腦及周邊設備、光電產業、通信網路、電子零組件、電子通路、資訊服務業、其他電子業,以廠商別資料逐一進行實證分析。實證結果發現: (1)以台灣電子相關產業全體樣本為研究對象時,外資外溢效果的存在降低廠商從事研發的意願, 不過並不顯著。(2)以代理銷售為主要營業項目的電子通路產業,外資及其外溢效果與研究發展支出的關係係呈現明顯的負向效果;而囊括多家世界級電子代工廠商的其他電子業,市場集中度偏高,外資外溢效果與專利數呈現明顯替代關係。(3)排除上述兩個產業特性比較特殊的樣本後,重新進行估計,結果發現無論是在創新投入面或產出面的衡量結果,外人直接投資及其所帶來的外溢效果對於台灣電子產業廠商的技術創新是為顯著的互補關係。
    ;The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship among innovation activities and Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) and its spillovers, using firm-level panel data for Taiwan’s IT industries from 2003-2007, employing the econometric method of the panel data model and the negative binomial model to estimate the parameters of related equations. With performance indicators of R&D expenditure and patents, the empirical results were found that (1) FDI induced more R&D activities for all of Taiwan’s related IT companies, but FDI spillover brought a insignificantly negative contribution with it. (2) Under observation by each industry, it makes sense that distributor group showed their FDI and FDI spillover having the negative effect on their R&D expenditure. In addition, the industry which contains world-class Electronics Manufacturing Service(EMS) providers as the highest HHI (Herfindal Index), made the FDI spillover effect hamper rather than improve other companies’ patent development. (3) After eliminating the samples of the distributor group and the highest HHI’s industry , FDI and its spillover are significantly positively correlated to innovation activity on the Taiwan’s IT industry.
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Industrial Economics] Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

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