摘要: | 企業在各項競爭劇烈的經營環境下,為適應大環境變化,不斷謀求各種手段來提升自身競爭力,也因如此,相繼導入許多管理技術與改善手法,例如豐田生產系統(Toyota Production System)與全面生產管理(Total Productive Manegement)便應運而生,而這兩者源自於日本境內的管理技術,目前皆被應用在全球各企業中發展,但多數企業大多都僅導入個別單一系統;有鑑於TPS在全球競爭下取得巨大優勢,與TPM提升設備績效對於生產性向上的明顯影響,這些企業亦開始思考如何將其整合推動,融合其相關性與改善手法,避免推動上矛盾與資源拉扯,因此引發對本研究的動機。
本研究中以個案公司導入TPS與TPM活動作為實證對象,在經由導入過程中,整合其系統、組織、管理與改善活動三層面,重新建構出新的同步導入程序,希望藉由身處企業中的實際推動經驗、相關學術論著與文獻加以整合研究,透過本研究所得之實證結果,研擬出「TPS、TPM同步推動架構」與新的整合導入流程,期盼可幫助企業界作為依循之新範本,獲得事半功倍之成效。 ;In order to adapt to severe competition in running a business, companies are trying every method to elevate their competitiveness. Therefore, they start to inject many a management technologies and improvement method such as Toyota Production System and Total Productive Management. These two strategies, originated from Japan, are applied in companies worldwide. But most of them only choose to get advantage of one of the strategy. Given the great advantage of TPS position in global competition and the positive improvement in production due to adapting TPM, most businesses start to considerate how to combine the relevance and techniques of TPS and TPM and avoid the competition of resources and adaptation contradictory. Above points are the motivations of studying this topic.
In this research, we introduce TPM activity as an practical example under existing TPS structure and integrate system, organization and improvement to reconstruct simultaneously activating process. We manage to put forth simultaneously activating process of TPS and TPM by practical adaption experience in business, study and integration of relevant academic papers and the practical outcome of this study. And expect the accomplishment become a criterion to aid companies in introducing new technology. |