摘要: | 本論文希望透過深入爬梳《射鵰三部曲》的故事情節,發掘金庸如何繼承傳統俠義精神,希望看出在整個武俠文學中,《射鵰三部曲》對俠義精神轉變的影響,並開創出符合現代化意義與價值的「俠義精神」。
本論文在寫作布局上共分六章,第一章為緒論。 第二章為「金庸其人與創作」,主要以介紹金庸生平與創作理念,並介紹其創作動機與觀點,藉此了解金庸創作意識與刪改過程,。 第三章為「俠的意義與詮釋」,主要詮釋俠義精神的起源,並論及與各家學說的關係,再就歷代俠客形象,看出俠客形象演變對俠義精神的影響,歸納武俠作品中的四大主題。 第四章為「俠義精神的先天承繼」,論述文本三位男主人翁所承繼的先天俠義特質,從主角的出身,再到其所具有的武功資質,分析三位主角克服自身限制的過程,以及對於善惡正邪的認定價值轉變。 第五章為「俠義精神的後天形塑」,主要從三位男主人翁在故事中所遭遇的事件情況分析面對特殊情境的俠義抉擇,從中分析俠義精神在三位男主人翁身上所展現的不同面向與轉變。 第六章為結論,歸納本論文研究成果與未來的研究展望。 ;The paper hoped deeply through her "Condor Trilogy" story, exploring how the tradition of Jin Yong′s chivalrous spirit, I hope to see the whole martial arts literature, "Condor Trilogy" on the chivalrous spirit of change, and create meaning and value in line with the modernization of the "chivalrous spirit."
In writing this paper, the layout is divided into six chapters, the first chapter. The second chapter, "Jin Yong of its people and creation", mainly to introduce the concept of Jin Yong′s life and works, and describes their creative motives and views, in order to understand the creation of awareness and excision Yong process. The third chapter is "Man of meaning and interpretation," the origin of the main interpretation of the spirit of chivalry, and discussed the relationship between various theories, and then on the ancient warrior image, see the impact of the evolution of the image of chivalrous knight spirit, summarized in martial arts the four main themes. The fourth chapter is "chivalrous spirit of congenital inherited" the three men discussed the text of the masters of the innate chivalrous qualities inherited from the protagonist′s birth, to martial arts qualifications they have analyzed three main characters to overcome the limitations of the process itself, as well as for the identification of changes in value of good and evil evil. The fifth chapter is "chivalrous spirit of acquired shaping", mainly from the masters in the story of three men encountered the face of the special event situational analysis chivalrous choice analysis chivalrous spirit in which three men who exhibited different masters for the change. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, the results of this research are summarized and future research prospects. |