摘要 本論文研究泰國客家人在泰國南部勿洞地區的遷移墾殖與橡膠業的發展。目的研究是以質化研究的田野調查,收集客家人在勿洞地區的歷史,呈現客家人在泰南地區橡膠種植園的角色,並探索客家人在也拉府勿洞地區的獨特傳統。與都會區的客家移民不同,勿洞地區的客家人大抵還保留客家傳統的生活形態,以群聚的方式住在勿洞地區四條碑附近,這本論文將以田野訪談的方式呈現泰國邊區客家人生活的風貌。橡膠業的發展是本論文另外一個重點,橡膠是現代生活中不可缺少的材料,但橡膠業有特定的條件,必須在熱帶生長,而且是勞力密集而高報酬率的產業。這種產業從一開始引進泰國就與華人移民密不可分,其中客家人與橡膠業的關係最顯而易見,勿洞地區的客家人與橡膠園,就這樣一代傳一代,在泰國已經有近百年的歷史。勿洞地區能保留客家風貌,與勿洞地區的歷史也息息相關,有泰南多種族的生存環境,也有馬來亞共產黨在此地長期駐軍,構成一個特殊的環境,使其基本社會結構長期保持。 關鍵字: 勿洞、客家、橡膠產業。 ;The Hakka people in Betong and the development of rubber plantation in Thailand. Abracts The study discusses the history of migration of Hakka people in Betong, Thailand and their relationship with rubber industry in Thailand. The purpose of this study are to collect material about this history by interview, and to present the role of Hakka people in rubber plantation in Betong, Yala and to explore the reason why Hakka people could preserve their cultural tradition in this place. The research method of qualitative research, field work and interview, is adopted in this study. Other than Hakka migrants in urban area, Hakka people in rubber plantation in Betong still preserve unique heritage of Hakka culture. At the same time, rubber industry is an important industry in Thailand. Rubber plantations only exist in the tropical area. It is a labor-intensive and high reward industry. From the beginning of introduction rubber industry to Thailand, the Chinese people in Thailand have occupized the central position in this industry. Paticularly Hakka people have been worked in this industry through generations for a hundred years in Betong. Betong has a very special history and social structure. The multi-ethnic society and the base of Guerrilla of Malayan Communist Party make Betong as a special place for Hakka community.