隨者電子商務蓬勃發展,健全的網路金流系統為不可或缺的一環,而近年來第三方支付逐漸受到重視,國際上行之有年的第三方支付平台以美國的PayPal以及中國的支付寶為代表,前者為提供金流服務之資訊公司,後者為兼營支付服務的電子商務平台,由於第三方支付服務涉及金融管制、資訊安全、消費者保護等多面向的監理管制,歐美各國對第三方支付服務皆發展出一套監管規範,中國亦於2010年制定《非金融機構支付管理辦法》,反觀我國第三方支付服務雖在業界已行之多年,但礙於現行法規範,致使第三方支付的發展受到諸多限制。 因此本文首先欲從國際上第三方支付的發展著手,輔以比較法的觀察,探討我國是否在調整既有規範框架下,一方面可以讓第三方支付服務的發展順利進行,另方面又可以達到監督管制的效果而達到雙贏的局面,抑或是必須量身制定第三方支付專法較為合適,此外本文再進一步分析第三方支付的發展趨勢,並探討第三方支付在我國發展的效益,最後借鏡國際上的經驗並給予建議,期盼我國在未來制定第三方支付專法的過程中能夠更加謹慎。 ;With the advanced development of e-commerce, the complete funds system has become the necessarily important part.
Third-party payment has received considerable attention in decade, while Paypal(U.S.A) and Alipay(China) has been considered as the most well-known payment system. Paypal is an independent funds system, while Alipay is the payment system of shopping network(Taobao).
In order to regulate third-party payment issues, both U.S.A and China enacted related laws and regulation such as 《Uniform money service act》 、《The Implementation of the Administrative Measures for the Payment Services Provided by Non-financial Institutions》.
In Taiwan , third-party payment has developed for a long time. However, it has been limited by 《The Banking Act of The Republic of China》and《Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards》. Thus, it is hard to be innovatively and vigorously developed.
The study will firstly introduce the development of third-party payment in US and China, and particularly focus on comparative law. Secondly , the situation of third-party payment in Taiwan will be analyzed, the possibility and necessity to amend related laws and regulation to regulate third-party payment or to set up a specific law to manage and control it will be discussed. Finally, it offers some practical suggestions from international experience, which could be expected as the reference for the the executive branch and future policy.