隨著近年來行動裝置愈來愈普及,使得短距離的無線通訊技術備受矚目,近場通訊技術(Near Field Communication, NFC)即為其中的一種新興技術。NFC的發展是以射頻識別技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)為基礎,且會相容於現今的非接觸智慧卡技術(Contactless Smart Card)。NFC 技術應用的範圍相當廣泛,當手機、PDA、數位相機、手錶、平板電腦及電腦等行動裝置或電子產品裝置了NFC 設備,即可通過ID 資料的認證, 使電子設備間進行資料 和服務的交換。 本研究即在探討如何以Android 系統平台之NFC 手機為媒介進行點餐消費、預約排隊以及取代取餐呼叫器,使得系統成本更低,購物變得更加輕鬆、便利和省時。只要一支NFC 手機,即可代替會員卡及信用卡,不但能增加訂位、點餐的便利性,餐廳也能減少服務人員成本支出,顧客能擁有快速、便捷的完成結帳付款NFC 手機結合智能卡中IC 晶片的安全機制更可以提升交易的安全性與使用的方便性。未來隨著軟硬體的發展,將能提供給消費者方便、安全、快速的行動交易 模式。;Mobile devices are more and more popular in the past few years. It makes short-distance wireless communication technology to bepaid attention intensively. One of emerging technologies is NFC.NFC is based on RFID, and it canbe compatible with Contactless Smart Card. NFC is largely applied in several areas. While mobile-devices and electronic products including cell-phone, PDA, digital camera, watch, tablet PC, and computer being installed in NFC, and passed for ID information certification, they can exchange of data and services. This research aims to discuss how to use NFC of Android system medium to work on order of meals and replace pick-up paging machine. It makes systems cost lower, and shopping could be easier, more convenient, and efficient. We may just use a NFC cell-phone to replace a member card or a credit card such that the restaurants may increase booking rates and it is more convenient for customers to order meal even with lower personnel cost. Besides, it urges customers to use an NFC cell-phone which includes IC chips of the smart card of SSL to promote security of transactions. It makes customer pay a bill conveniently and fast. With the development of hardware and software in the future, it will provide convenient, safe, and fast mobile transactions for customers.